Hi folks. Sorry to post such a minor question. I am a long time past my oesophagectomy (14 years) and have recently been seen for gastric satiety which is now much better. So much better that I think I am now getting gastric reflux into my throat at night. I am getting symptoms of very bad taste, sore throat and the globus sensation (lump in throat). But I cant make sense of it as I am sleeping bolt upright at night. I don’t slip down. And yet it continues. Can anyone make sense of that? Not sure if I should try some Lansoprazole? I am one of the foreigners stuck in a foreign country with closed borders. Not a problem but it means i have lost access to my usual networks. Many thanks.
Gastric reflux long time after oesoph... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Gastric reflux long time after oesophagectomy

Hi there yes try taking Lansoprazole or omeprazole also Gaviscon advance. Also watch what you are eating and try not to eat after 7pm. Get a check up when you can. I’m not medical but just on my own and others experiences.
I am 4 years since Ivor Lewis.
Best wishes
I have the same I am11 years ex surgery I find sleeping on my right hand side I don’t get the reflux but I my left I do burns and I have to get out of bed for 10 mins sometimes vomiting occurs
Well done with your 14 years post op.............I agree with Kiddy has to be worth a try, I was told that I would be on either of these for life, I'm fine, I sleep on a wedge with a pillow and no problems so far.
Hi Im 10 years on and taking Lansoprazole for life, it might be Bile if Lansoprazole doesn't work. I also sometimes suck aniseed twists (sugar free to keep the dentist happy), or drink Ginger tea, fresh ginger slices in hot water, yoghurt can sometimes help at night to calm it down too. when all else fails.
Normally happens to me when I change a routine or have eaten differently to normal over a couple of days.
Good luck Take care
What you describe, makes me think it is bile reflux. Antacid meds won't help. I had the same problem until I started eating Chinese curry. It seems to have stopped it. Good luck
I also had bile reflux. I am 2 1/2 years post surgery.
After two stretches of the esophagus since surgery, I found the two following things significantly helped the bile situation
1. Although I was also told nothing by mouth after dinner, I found by mistake that I now drink 12 Oz of water at about 10pm. I go to sleep about midnight. This has significantly reduced bile coming up during the night.
I have been told that all these pills such as Lansoprazole or omeprazole do not affect bile.
2. The other thing that has helped me was suggested by my Oncologist. I now take a dropper of CBD Oil before bedtime. I use 1000 mg strength of a good quality CBD Oil.
Good luck!
Hello from Canada! I'm only a few months since my surgery. Sounds like it could be bile. I had a problem with that too. Watch what, how much, and when you eat. (I'm sure you know that anyway but just a reminder.). Nothing too acidic, small portion s more often, and not too close to bedtime. Also my surgeon just put me on Domperidone. It's to help food go down. Ask your doctor about a prescription. Hope it resolves soon. Take care and stay safe.
So sorry you are stuck away from home and hope that changes soon.
Re your problem my husband had his op 10 months ago and it’s been a real seesaw
He found having Omeprazole night and morning and also removed his wedge in favour of three pillows plumped up and graded almost like narrow stairs if that makes sense??
He has a feeding tube and will have for a while so this seems to work for him
Best wishes keep well
I have NO food or liquids after 7:00pm. ALL my food is pureed with a hand blender. Nothing that tastes good, no acids, no fruit, no red meat, very small portions, 5 meals a day, and I eat very slowly. I take small portions and it takes me about an hour to eat a bowl of oatmeal with Ensure. I am 10 year out, and have been stretched 3 times.
Hello to you all. I'm 23mths post gastrectomy. Had gotten Hpylori bacteria infection. Went untreated for a while. I have too been suffering with the awful reflux. Burns horrible and causes me to vomit... My G.I Dr told me to take pepcid before bed. Thankgoodness it works. Chocolate is my trigger. What and how do they do 'Streches ' ?
I have the same problem , I am 2 years ex surgery I find sleeping on my right hand side I don’t get the reflux ,eat early,avoid chocolates ,tea,coffee and fried stuff before sleeping..
I have gastric reflux too and suffer the same symptoms as you. I have a very bitter, almost metallic taste in my mouth. It might help if you clean your teeth twice as often as you normally would and rinse with a mouthwash if you can get one. Alternatively, you could try eating bread and taking Nexium right before bedtime. Hope this helps.
Thank you everyone. I took some Lansoprazole and it seemed to sort the problem out so I guess it is gastric acid. I kind of regret it as it seems to have made my satiety worse as it really was behaving itself. But at least I know what it was. Thanks again everyone.