Hi, I've been having abdominal pain and now a few black specks in my poop. The ER doc wants to do a endoscopy but I'm sooo scared of it... Mostly because of complications!! I'm deathly afraid of perforation of the accophigus!! Any advice would be great!
Endoscopy scare: Hi, I've been having... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Endoscopy scare

Are you sure you don’t mean colonoscopy. That’s the poo end. Colonoscopy is from the throat. Anyhow I have had both and there’s absolutely nothing to be scared of. Ask to be put to sleep and you won’t feel a thing. Complications are very rare when they are just doing a basic examination. If it is a colonoscopy the worst thing is drinking 2 litres of bowel juice the night before. 😖
Hi, I have had plenty of them..if your having an Endoscopy it's a camera through your mouth into stomach area so they can check alls ok..its not a plesant procedure but i found it's easier if you just relax and breath through your nose like you would if you were at the dentist..be over in no time.. hope alls ok
Best Wishes
Suzy x
Hello, I totally understand your fears as I had similar worries but either way is fine. I have an endoscopic ultrasound every three months and it's fine. I always have the sedation and throat spray and I end up being asleep for most of the time. Take care and good luck, big hugs x
Hi Julie
I have had a couple of endoscopys, but what is a endoscopy ultrasound???
Hello, it's where they pass a camera down your throat and your oesophagus and they can obtain images of nearby organs as well as the oesophagus. I had my first back in October 2017 and have subsequently had regular check ups since. Many years ago I also had a colonoscopy where a camera is inserted into your colon. You wouldn't choose to have either ordinarily, but I'm grateful for my regular checkups. Hope this helps, take care x
Do not even think about not having it...........I had an endoscopy 1 year ago, they found a cancer BUT I had the Ivor Lewis op and now a year later I'm still here, enjoying a full life, OK it was a journey with ups and downs but it was worth all the minor problems encountered along the way, the sooner you have this the better, it's a MUST, please do have it, the sooner the better.
Just my opinion. You can't solve a problem until you know what it is. Go for it!
Thank you guys for all of your opinions! I went through with it and thankfully all was well. All that worrying for nothing LOL
Hi butterfly - I’m scheduled for an endoscopy and terrified to the point of vomiting all day every day with severe anxiety. I’m so glad it went well for you! Can I ask if you did sedation and how it made you feel?? I’m so afraid of laying there drugged with something gagging me