Hi all. I had an oesophagectomy about 18 months ago, and apart from an awful lot of wind, upwards and downwards, I am suffering from stomach paints after food, but not all the time. Any suggestions? After about an hour the pains go and I am then ok.
post oesophagectomy: Hi all. I had an... - Oesophageal & Gas...
post oesophagectomy

HI i am going through the same it is so bad at times , i am back at Oxford in aug and think i am going to have test done if it was no better ,i had my op Aug 2016 ,but i dont eat too much my best meal is Minced lamb and mixed frozen veg with onion and oxo and a little garlic i only have a little dish but im fine no pain,i cant eat breakfast if im going out are you the same ,Well hope you can find some help ,wishing you well x
Hi Mazken. Thanks so much for your advice. Yes, I cannot eat breakfast if I am going out I might only have a biscuit an hour after gett6ing out of bed. As for drinking/eating at the same time, it is very difficult.. I usually have a sip of water if needed otherwise stick to one or the other. I cannot drink wine or spirits either. Suppose that is a good thing really LOL
Hi aNNEX123
Your situation seems quite normal for someone who has experienced this extremely complicated operation.
Whilst I can’t speak for everyone, my food ‘journey’ has been long and, on occasions, extremely hard and frustrating.
Firstly, you have to put your old eating habits to one side and concentrate on eating small and regular meals. I have about six a day. You will get to know your eating limit and, at that point, stop irrespective of what may be left in the plate. This will enable you to avoid those pains after meals you describe. Eat high calorie meals, containing dairy products etc, as this may assist you to maintain your weight which, all to often, we lose. Try to or limit, meals containing too much ingredient that may cause additional wind such as curries. The OPA have a variety of information on their site which will help.
Eating and drinking at mealtimes, for me, was/still is difficult. I found by trying to do so limited the amount of food I could eat. I now drink between meals to get the right amount of liquid I need.
It is quite normal to take sometime to get yourself back on track! However, you will make it with as much determination and encouragement from family and friends.
Best of luck
Hi I had more tests done for the wind up and down. A bacterial overgrowth test, barium swallow both normal although some people have the bacterial overgrowth and have to take several antibiotics. Awaiting lactose breath test as I cannot have full fat milk, ice cream etc. I was put on Creon and am taking a priobotic. I have also stopped Gaviscon and taking Sucrafate as there was a little bleeding in my oeaphagus (no cancer). I have got rid of the wind so something is working.
I have to stick with small meals and if I drink and eat together more than a few sips of water I suffer stomach pains/dumping. I am 2years post op.
Good luck
It might be colic (try gripe water), and swallowing air with your food. Bio yoghurts might help, and/or it might be that the bacteria in your gut are running a bit out of control? It normally needs a gastroenterologist's expertise to help you then.