Hi, wouldnt mind pinning this down if anyone can help. I've just had laporoscopic nissen fundoplication LNF to address giant hiatus hernia and reflux (in recovery, doing ok).
Post op I seem to burp more often but the burp often (particularly after fruit) sends up a gas that makes a fizzy feeling in mouth & back of throat.
I sometimes got this same gas pre LNF. I was told then that this is likely to be due to food backup in my oesoph (got dilated oesoph - 10x normal width as a result food backup due to oesoph stricture and eating lots) where the food was fermenting in my oesoph rather than my stomach. That didn't sound good as that means your oesoph is acting like your stomach which as I understand it could lead to cellular changes in the oesoph and down the merry road to Barretts we go.
Post op the surgeon told me that he had straightened the kink in my oesoph (became interwined with stomach - hiatus hernia - and I never had any pain!!) and that food should now go straight into stomach. He felt that the oesoph stricture may have in fact been the crease of the kink as opposed to an actual stricture. By the way his assessment was made totally externally at op time, they never actually went inside my oesoph.
So now post op I get the fizzy burps regularly whereas pre-op they were intermittent. Im in two minds: 1) actually my dilated oesoph (which we are hoping will shrink back somewhat in time) is still holding food and im getting the same gas as before (but why more often) or 2) the food is actually going into my stomach but my stomach lid (LES) which has not functioned correctly for 15yrs is weak and the slightest burp lifts the lid and up comes stomach acid gas. Any ideas.
Given the LES has been ajar with HH for 15yr its inherently going to be weak and I'd like to strengthen it naturally. So far I've heard you can strenghten LES with a combination of carbonated water and burping and I'm looking into this. Any other ideas to strenghthen LES.
Good health to all. G