Hi .. this post is for information. Despite LNF I still appear to get bile reflux (2 out 5 nights post LNF). Please comment if you feel you have related qs or can contribute to my issues.
i had acid reflux, oesoph narrowing (1 stretch) and dliated oesophagus + giant hiatus hernia (virtually all my stomach above the diaphragm). The oesoph narrowing prevented manometry tests.
Been on omprezole for a year 20m/day. That stopped the acid but bile has been an issue.
I've had just had 360 LNF at st thoms london. Op itself went well. I was out after 3 days and am now in the process of recovery. Feel good albeit a bit sore. I no longer take omprez. Dr told me that my oesoph was literally entangled with my stomach and that my have contributed to swallowing difficulties. He has literally straigtened my oesoph, sewn the stomach below the diaphragm nissen 360 style.
Dr is hopeful that swallowing diffs will improve .. indications are good (no diffs experienced so far .. no serious tests as yet tho. Dr is also hopeful that my dilated oesoph may contract so fingers crossed there.
I mentioned on leaving hosp about bile taste but their response was with respect to taking omprez (any reflux take omprez .. ok to take it on an ad-hoc basis (which I was sure about re. the bounce)). Cant help feeling Bile & its related issues seem to be overlooked and underplayed by GI medics.
Im on soft foods at min, definitely no meat or bread.
I want this bile sorted (it goes almost unnoticed by hosp and yet can cause so much harm) and I will be
.. confirming it is bile not acid (litmus test)
... raising bed elevation, as opposed to addit pillars
.. seeking advice from you guys about food plans to poss reduce bile
My follow up with hosp is 20oct.
Good health to all.