At what point during a gastroscopy should the sedative be administered
At what point during a gastroscopy sh... - Oesophageal & Gas...
At what point during a gastroscopy should the sedative be administered
I have the throat spray first and then lie down on my side and then sedation is administered.
Thanks Andrew, Had a gastroscopy this morning, throat spray OK, laid on my side and before the anaesthetist got anywhere me they shoved a big blue tube in my mouth, the resultant gagging and vomiting caused them to abandon the procedure. I was under the impression that before they started shoving things down one throat that the requested sedation was administered or was I misinformed. Butch
I normally get asked right at the beginning for a nurse if I want sedation. They then put in a canular. Did they do this for you?
Yep all cannulated. and I let it be known to the receptionist, the doctor that talked me through the procedure and done a preliminary examination, the nurse that took me to theatre and the doctor that tried to carry out the procedure that I had a very active gag reflex and I needed sedation, so I think that they all got the idea that I needed sedation. Butch
Yes, that's exactly what happened to me - shoved straight down my throat - I thought I was choking to death. And I was supposed to be sedated! Never again! I paid privately for the procedure under general anaesthetic which was great. If I can't afford it next time, even though I have Barrett's, I'm not going back to the NHS. I know it's a risk, but I'm not going through that again. And I'm sceptical that massive surgery, if needed, is worth it anyway. Silly idea?
I had a really bad experience at Kings College in London .Won't go into details* but mentioning it in case above posters went there .
* though the consultant who performed procedure action in throwing the pen he'd requested at the nurse when he discovered it was not a ball point ,should have tipped me off .