Hello everyone,
Just wondering if anyone has any experience of repeated instances of small intestine bacterial overgrowth.
I am eighteen months post Ivor Lewis two part oesophagectomy, and apart from SIBO I still suffer with rib and back pain (for which I take Tramadol) and common occurrences of food dumping and hypoglycemia and fatigue.
I know we are all different with recovery times etc, but every time I start making forward progress I am struck down with sibo, which saps my energy and gives me serious bloating and flatulence. (if it was an Olympic sport I'd be up for gold)
I dropped from ten and a half stone (pre op) to seven stone (6 months post op) I have managed to get back up to seven and a half stone and in truth I really do eat much more than I did before I had the operation. A different diet of course to try to avoid the dumping, but it's a bit of weird science because things I could eat last month cause food dumping this month, which is frustrating and makes if difficult deciding what to eat.
I am a vegetarian, I can no longer eat any bread or cereals or pastry type things and this past couple of months cheese has been causing dumping.
Trying to give people a background is like writing war and peace!
Back to my original question, has anyone had three or more bouts of sibo, I have had all sorts of antibiotics, but as soon as they wear off the sibo gradually comes back. I have pro biotics every day and am on :- lanzaprozole, Tramadol, doperamine, buscopal, loperamide and creon.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated