Endoscope.: Am under a lot of stress... - Oesophageal & Gas...

Oesophageal & Gastric Cancer

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Lydia1960 profile image
4 Replies

Am under a lot of stress and am worried about the effects this might have on my diagnosis, this January after I had a endoscope after vomiting blood, grade two oesophagitis. Know stress can cause cancerous growths. The gastro specialist said that my acid reflux is well controlled with omprazole 20mg, twice a day, which she wants to reduce to just one a day.

Because of this constant stress, my abdominal discomfort has worsened and now there appears to be additional pain just under my breasts, the soft part above my tummy.

Am going to see if can get another appointment with the specialist, but am worried that, should I need another endoscope that my body might be too weak to cope as I am extremely fatigued, tense with low energy. Would that prevent this procedure and how risky would it be if I were sedated thoughout it...?

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4 Replies
gutlesswonder profile image

If your January endoscopy 'only' diagnosed grade two oesophagitis then you have little to worry about in the context of cancer.

The progression on from your present condition through Barrett's, metaplasia to adenocarcinoma would normally be registered on a 20 to 40 year timescale.

So you are lucky to have had an early warning. Get professional help to deal with whatever it is that you believe is causing stress.

You haven't given any information about your age, weight, smoking, alcohol consumption, general health, other conditions etc etc but, as with any medical procedure the risks and benefits do need to be weighed up.

It is probable that a video was made of your first procedure. Why not ask for this to be reviewed which would reassure you that nothing was undetected/overlooked and so render a repeat unnecessary?

Lastly, trust the professionals you consult to have your best interests at heart. They alone can assess if you are suited to any given procedure. But do not hesitate to ask for a second opinion if you are really convinced that something is amiss with the care you are receiving.

Lydia1960 profile image
Lydia1960 in reply to gutlesswonder

Thank you for these details. My health is quite poor these days, due to the stress, premature aging, so quite weakened, 56 now, obese, 11 stone, non smoker, rarely drink alcohol. So a lot of factors against me.

You seem to suggest that having grade two oesophagitis will definitely lead onto Barratt's disease etc? And I presume that stress is one of the factors behind this possibility. Have been told that more exercise would help, but difficult when I am feeling so stressed and weakened. Anything else that I can do to prevent this disease from developing...?

gutlesswonder profile image
gutlesswonder in reply to Lydia1960

No, there is no certainty of progression just a possibility. So, while time is on your side it's better to rig the odds against as early as possible.

You're off to a good start with no tobacco and little or no alcohol and 11 stone doesn't sound excessive. So that leaves just the acid.

De-stress/Relax/Sleep/Eat healthily and sensibly.........it's a circle but only you can identify and deal with any element which threatens to be 'vicious' as opposed to 'virtuous' .

At 56 you may well live another 40 years, much more fun if you are fit and healthy. Most people find that modest exercise does wonders for both body and mind, how you feel and how you view yourself.

How do you feel about dogs? If you haven't got one but still like them could you borrow one for walks?

When in 1991, aged only 47, I had my Oesophagectomy I was pretty low afterwards. One day I looked out of the window, down the street and resolved that tomorrow I will walk to the first tree and the next week to the second tree and so on. After about six months I could run down the road and up a nearby hill.

That literally saved my life because when I developed another cancer the medics considered me fit enough for a second major surgery.

A bonus of a quarter of a century......I thoroughly recommend it.

Lydia1960 profile image
Lydia1960 in reply to gutlesswonder

That's definitely what is needed, exercise, an increase of. These days I am quite agoraphobic, and only really go into the communal garden attached to this block of flats. Find busy streets etc difficult to cope with. Knowing this is what my body needs most, I am trying to exercise indoors. Have got an exercise bike, but feel a bit unbalanced when I use that and fear I might fall from there. So it is just a case of trying to increase to as much exercise as I can do within the limited space of my confinement... as for the rest of your recommendations, relaxing, sleeping and eating healthily, again, that would be easier if I increased the energy I am expelling as I get easily full when I eat even a small amount of food which impacts upon the amount of nutrition that I can eat during a day. All this impacts upon my attempts to relax and sleep. So, really, you have established where the problem lies and, indeed, the benefit to one's physical health if one can gain a better exercise regime. Glad to hear that your sensible plan has given you an extra quarter of a century of living. That's recommendation in itself and proof that, if I can just gain control over this situation, the benefits could be tenfold and more. Thanks for this advice. It incentivises me...

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