Hi there,
I am 14 months post op, and everytime I eat I have the most vile bouts of coughing. Has anyone else experienced this
Hi there,
I am 14 months post op, and everytime I eat I have the most vile bouts of coughing. Has anyone else experienced this
I am three years post op, and i still get intermediate coughing spells when I eat, I think it is the scar tissue when food passes down (crustie bread, black pudding cumble, pastry)
However there is no rhyme or reason in it, some foods great other not so, but it does get better in time
Thank you for the reply. I was thinking something drastic was wrong, your reply has made me feel batter
If the coughing is just when you are eating, it may be something to do with where the surgical joint is located (eg high up towards your throat) / scar tissue. The texture of the food may indeed make a difference - this would be worth monitoring. It almost sounds like some things 'going down the wrong way' doesn't it! If it has been happening ever since the surgery I am wondering whether your epiglottis might somehow be affected (it is the flap that stops food going into your lungs); or whether the coughing is somehow to do with small amounts of food residue being aspirated into your lungs.
Does taking soothing liquid (eg honey) make a difference?
If there is no trouble with your lungs otherwise it might just be some kind of nerve reaction - the nerves do take a long time to settle down sometimes. But it would be worth checking with the hospital as it does sound bad coughing fits, and this does take it out of you.
Thank you for the reply Alan. I shall contact my G.I Nurse
Over time my violent coughing fits reduced very considerably. Now 10 years post op my recollection is that it persisted, but declined progressively over 3/4 years. As I've said before, in my coughing days I could have coughed for England!