Write now I am struggling both physically and mentally. I have pain all day everyday when inhaling and ime now at the end of my tether. I was on Oxycodone, Oxycontin which lessened the pain but didn't get to the problem. I then changed to a Fentanyll patch which has been a disaster so over the last month I have gradually almost stopped all pain meds. I am struggling bigtime but at lleast my brain isn't numb. Now I have been hit with soooo many emotions that I can't cope. I seen my surgeon yesterday and he wants to admit me to get an all over check up. Not before time. I just don't see what the point was of the op. Its left me with so many health issues that I didn't have before and I can't come to terms with that. Ime 42 and I no I am fortunate not to have had Cancer like a lot of people but everyones problems are what matters to them. I no its sad but I go to bed on many occasions and hope to just sleep forever. I feel I have failed as a wife, mother and grandmother as I spend 24/7 indoors complaining. Sorry to b a pest but needed to get off my chest xx
Hiya. 2nd time lucky. Wrote a big lon... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Hiya. 2nd time lucky. Wrote a big long post and its not sent. Where is itttttt. Ime 2 yrs post op after having Achalasia.

Hi pferries.
I hope you don't mind me saying this but you sound to me like you have a bit of depression going on there and I'm not surprised with all you have had to go through. This is not unusual as I went through 4 years of hell with depression, so I would make sure to mention how you are feeling when you have your check up. I know it's easy for me to say this as I have not had Achalasia but if you can try not to let it get you down too much and don' t be afraid to ask for help. I hope this is of some help.
Hiya Steve.
Thanks for ure reply. No I don't mind. Yeah ure right about the depression and my GP agrees. Been started on some tablets but still think it won't solve the issues I have. Just got to keep at it and take each day as it comes. Thanks Steve
Hi Jay. A few people have mentioned Amitryplene to me. Think I will mention it to my GP. Also heard it helps you sleep, my sleeping pattern is awful. Thanks
Achalasia can have such an effect on eating, which is a big social focus for many. Not being able to eat with people can cause isolation socially.
Perhaps you could find some activities such as volunteering to have a social connection as well as an ability to feel productive and contribute in positive ways.
I can sympathize with many of your concerns, and can only say that it can get better from here. But it will take some work on your part to make it happen. Please realize how valuable you are, and that there is still a beautiful, productive person beneath all of the pain and frustration.
Thanks for the comments Chris. Its very hard to get motivated when I feel so down the majority of the time. I do however now that things will only get better if I make more of an effort. Ime gonna do my best to work on it. Thanks x
Hi I had an ectomy after achalasia, before my esophagectomy I was chronically anemic and felt tired and depressed a lot. Have you had a full blood test recently? Remember it can take up to 6 weeks for antidepressants to work.
Yeah had bloods done and ime anaemic, which is no surprise so got tablets for that. Doctor prescribed me Amitrypline so fingers crossed I may sleep longer than a few hrs tonight x
I am nearly 5 years post op and had big trouble with depression and complete lack of energy. I found that althogh my iorn levels were in the low normal range that an iorn to ic made a huge big difference to me both physically and mentally also volunteering got me out and meeting people.
My Gp was very helpful good luck