Hello, I have a viral chest infection... - Oesophageal & Gas...
Hello, I have a viral chest infection, hoarse voice and crackling in my chest. I have Barrett's Oesophagus, could it be connected?

Your Barrett's was caused by acid + reflux. You are probably taking PPIs to reduce the acid but reflux can still continue: Non Erosive Reflux past the upper esophageal sphincter can aspirate into the airways producing all the symptoms you describe.
Whereas we can stop acid with medication, reflux is harder to stop.
Follow all the lifestyle rules to reduce your reflux: lose weight (if necessary), avoid tight clothes, avoid exercise after food that will compress or shake the stomach (though a brisk walk is good). Leave at least three hours between food and going to bed and raise the head of the bed 6 to 8 inches on blocks.
Thanks Chris, I follow most of the rules but haven't tried to raise the bed yet.
There are (as ever!) some nasty viruses around. Some of them do seem to last six weeks or more and have an effect on lungs / chest. Having Barrett's does not disqualify you from getting these. It is always a good thing to try and reduce the acid reflux, which can indeed cause some of these problems as well. You may not know the real answer until the virus is completely clear. But the crackling in your chest sounds like it ought to be checked out by your GP in case there is an infection there.