15 weeks post op-extremely Dry throat... - Oesophageal & Gas...
15 weeks post op-extremely Dry throat on joint of surgery? Can anyone confirm and ways to help. Also does this ease or is it there for ever?

Like most symptoms they do ease over time. Maybe sucking an ice lolly could help. Good luck, James.
Taste buds and saliva glands are often affected, and these normally do recover after a period. It is the effect of surgery and medication. Try to keep the mouth clean and moist ( and thing about having a dental check up as well because the enamel on the teeth can get affected from reflux as well).
As far as the joint itself is concerned, can food pass by it without any problem? Sometimes the surgical scar does have a swollen profile with some individuals, and, depending on where it is located, some people feel it more than others. If t is dryness that is the issue, keeping the mouth moist would be a good thing to do; if it becomes restricted, the surgeon may well be able to advise on whether it can be eased a bit.