I am now 4 weeks in on a course of iron tonic and am feeling soooooo much better despite the problems with tolerance. I tried various iron tablets over the past year but they caused havoc with my digestive system and I ended up not taking them. The constipation, nausea and dizziness was worse than the constant tiredness. People were forever offering me a seat on the tube so I must have looked tired.
My iron levels were just in the normal range but my doctor was convinced it was low iron causing problems and I'm glad he persisted.
I have now been taking a children's iron tonic which I started as directed (a teaspoon 4 times a day) and found the nausea and vomiting difficult but on the advice of my doc I took enough to wet the inside of my mouth every 3-4 hours then a quarter teaspoon and now I am managing half teaspoon every 3-4 hours with only 15-30 mins of nausea but the benefits from an increased iron count are so worth the effort. Energy, my brain feels alive, i sleep better, I want to get up in the morning and I occasionally feel peckish and actually want to eat!
Take care Lizzy