I have constant pain and/or itching of my SI joints. I was told I have osteoarthritis of the joints, but could it actually be psoriatic arthritis?
Irritation/itching at SI joints - Osteoarthritis Ac...
Irritation/itching at SI joints

So osteoarthritic pain is worse when moving, and better when resting. Inflammatory arthritis pain is the opposite, worse after resting, and better with movement. So if your pain is the latter your gp can do an X-ray, which will show evidence of inflammation. You would need bloods to check inflammatory markers, as they would be raised in inflammatory arthritis.
as a layman but with relatives who have psoriasis and also psoriatic arthritis. If you have psoriasis and then develop arthritis it might be psoriatic arthritis.
Regardless, keep moving and exercising so that your muscles support your painful joints.
My arthritis, common-or-garden generalised osteoarthritis, is painful when resting, less painful when moving other than in certain joints when the more exercise I do the worse it gets.
I have found no pattern, hurts terribly when I sit but exercise almost always makes me have more pain. I walk and do resistance training almost daily to tolerance. Drs and xrays have only resulted in steroid creams and injections. Pain management says nerve ablation, surgeon says SI fusion. May be adjacent segment disease from a 2022 l5 s1 fusion?