i have recently been diagnosed with oesteoarthritis moderate /severe in both knees, i had my first physio session today and will be referred to a class in the new year. is there anything i can do to make moving about easier, i also have pmr, fibromiagia,coeliac, and sleep apne. i feel at 57 that i shouldn't be strggling so much. i was always on the go but now struggle to even walk. im feeling sorry for myself. i struggle with exercise but have just started using a smart hula hoop to try and lose a bit of weight. im one step away from walking aids
hi im new to this section of health u... - Osteoarthritis Ac...
hi im new to this section of health unlocked
Have a look at versusarthritis site -lots of good information-
..and maybe invest in some flexiseq -
If it works you can get it cheaper on the big A and very often high street pharmacies have it on special offer.
As you also have PMR just be aware your physio knows that…
great thank you, he knows i have pmr as he also told me my blood test results show im in a flare so probably about to go on steroids again, its a never ending circle. i signed up on versus arthritis and will try and keep active
Hi Candy28,
Oh I really feel for you! I also have severe arthritis in my hip and on the waiting list for hip replacement I also have coeliac disease and PMR I was put on 15mg of Pred 14 months ago tapered it down to 1 a couple of months ago. Big mistake! The pain I’ve been having is horrendous! I thought was caused by my arthritis as was going down both thighs and I was struggling to walk and had to buy a stick. AnywY I’ve just gone back up to 7mg of Pred and the pain in my thighs have subsided immensely! Obviously my hip pain is still there but I tried so many things to help with the pain and I am on some strong medication but it was not helping the pain in my thighs. I did try a roll on pain gel called Biofeeeze and it really is amazing! Does not take the pain away completely but really helps! Give it a try I would not be without it now!
candy I’m 57 and in a wheelchair, so I’m not sure age matters…just the condition and time of onset.