Is it possible to have OA in nearly all joints - does anyone here have this?
OA in all joints?: Is it possible to... - Osteoarthritis Ac...
OA in all joints?

I have it mostly hands fingers neck back ( lumbar) hips knees oh & feet big toes a nursery ryme I am...
I do alot of bumsey daisys too.....
Well i seem to have in most of my joints....currently seeing doctor and physio trying to get an answer as to why. Blood tests normal
Not yet but I think it is slowly spreading, both feet, one knee and neck so far. I now have pains in other knee, elbow and wrists.
See reply to Luxjim -
me - both shoulders, right hip, both knees & probably left sacroiliac joint. Left knee, hip and left shoulder replaced.
I have osteoarthritis in the same joints as angelicscriptd6.
Yes me! It's called Polyarthritis.
Me - fingers, base of thumbs, wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, ankles. It's on both sides but worse on the left. Added to this I have Gout - which, thank goodness doesn't flare up very often - when the crystals get stuck they make 'ordinary' OA feel a blessing!!🤨
Hi C - how old were you when it started?
It came on gradually after a very difficult birth when I was 32 (something went wrong and my hips were affected for many years).
Things settled down and, as if by a miracle, the pain slowly disappeared.
OA started in hips, then fingers and shoulders. After that other joints joined the party.
At 72 PMR was diagnosed and you can probably guess the rest.
I cope with the pain quite well. I only take 4 or 5 Cocodamol every 24 hours. Pred: 4mg
I have it on my knee and one shoulder.
So far discovered in hands, feet, lumbar and cervical spine, knees and probably shoulders although they haven't recently been x-rayed to find out. So, yes, pretty much everywhere! First diagnosis age 40, but I know I had it in my feet earlier, probably from ill-fitting shoes when I was growing very fast.
Yes, I do. I went to Mayo Clinic last year and was told I had significant OA in all my joints. I just had shoulder surgery & had a torn Rotator repaired & arthritis cleaned out on it. I am now recovering from it. It isn’t a fun surgery I can tell you that. Now the pain meds are making me sick to my stomach & so my shoulder is killing me from the surgery. I cut back on my meds & I’m taking Zofran for the nausea & vomiting. No fun. I hope you are tolerating things. OA isn’t fun.
Hi - thanks for that. Do you mind me asking how old you are and how your symptoms started? thanks
Yes, I do, All joints except my hips. Started in my knee when I was in my late 40's. My advice is to try to keep moving. If I sit too long I get stiff. I have had 2 ankle replacements and one knee replacement. I can still take a zumba class at the gym and other classes. Yoga really helps my stiffness. I take Celebrex for the inflammation.
Bilateral hip replacements, bilateral knee replacements, bilateral ankle arthrodesis, AVN of both humeral heads, sclerotic L2-L4, degeneration of half the L5-S1 disc’s with vacuum disc syndrome, degenerate thoracic spine exacerbated by thoracic scoliosis, degenerate changes in C1-C-5 with nerve compression, AVN of the ulnar heads, and degeneration of metacarpals and metatarsals. 22 orthopedic surgeries in 23 years. I had my first knee scope in 1997 at the age of 30. First joint replacement of the left knee in 2003 at the age of 36, bilateral hips in 2008 and 2009, bilateral ankle fusions in 2012 and 2013 and right knee replacement in 2015. All surgeries before I was 48. They want to replace both ankles, fuse L2-L5 and place a cage, fuse C-1-C-4 with support rods starting this year. I will not do it. That is at least 5-6 years of 4-5 major surgeries with 6 plus month recovery times. I’ll go in a wheel chair before I do that.
My last 2015 knee I got hooked on the OxyContin for 2 years and put myself through a Suboxone clinic rehab in 2017. Will not take any more narcotics unless I am terminal. Now I am 54 and unable to stand over 15 minutes or walk a block. Also, have stage 4 CKD that is stable but I’m only counting on another 11-15 years.
I stumbled into a study in our medical school teaching hospital in 2013 done by an older orthopedic who started the study of athletes who had torn knee ligaments need a knee replacement before age 50. By the time I met him he had expanded the study into researching the severity of osteoarthritis in all age groups. His study concluded that osteoarthritis follows a bell curve with most people suffering from it in some degree if they live long enough. Those who showed no signs of the affliction in later life only a small percentage of less than 10% and those who had severity like mine at an early age instead of late in life also only a small percentage of less than 10%. While there are many factors like environmental, socioeconomic and general health, the largest factor is genetic. My DNA was analyzed and I was missing key factors that made me and others like me have severe poly-osteoarthritis with early onset. So luck of the draw. It was a relief though as I am adopted and know nothing of my biological health history.
So to answer the original question yes there are a few of us afflicted by osteoarthritis in nearly every joint. However, hold your head up as there is always someone out there who is suffering worse than you are and me too. Sometimes that fact and the wonderful support of my family are all that keeps me going!