Hi all,
My name is Julie (Jules), I'm now 50 yrs old.
Wayyyy back in the days (those in care roles/nursing will know what I mean) there weren't many, if any at all, rules and regs on Moving and Handling, and if there were, they certainly weren't enforced in care homes. I was just 18 when I started in the care profession. I literally knew nothing, but the home I got my first job in was a large converted house, I think 8-12 residents max, and all relatively mobile. Some just needed a hand getting out of their chair or picking up things they dropped. Until the owner took in one lady who, looking back now, should have been in a nursing home and certainly not this little rest home. I went in one morning to find this tiny lady who can't have weighed more than four stone covered from head to toe in her own faces. Regardless of my lack of experience, I'd say I'm pretty switched on and have good common sense so rolled up sleeves, got out protective clothing etc and made the mistake that would live with me forever. I lifted her from bed to commode, did what was needed but I pulled something in my back.
I just thought I had a stiff back and treated it as such with hot baths, heat packs and brufen.
That was roughly 1986/87?
Moving on, relatively pain free to about 1998 when I got a nice flat up one flight of stairs. Something in my lower back kept popping out. Every step sent shockwaves up my spine. The Physio visiting my doctors surgery (luckily only at the end of the road) would press so hard on my spine I thought it'd burst through my hips or ribs, then I heard a gentle pop sound and all was good as new.
In 2002 I sadly lost my older brother and when this idiot of a bereavement counselor turned up at my house, he tried making out my back condition was psychosomatic! !
I asked a Physio at the hospital where I'd been going after having both hands diagnosed with Arthritis in 1998, she said, looking down at my back "Sorry but the man is a fool! From what I'm looking at, it looks 🔙 like you have a house brick inserted in your lumbar, so no, you certainly aren't imagining this in any way at all".
Swiftly moving on several years,past
the loss of pets, my mum, hubby's father, in 2010 we moved back to my home country of Wales.
Since then we've lost two dogs, I've had a breast lump removed, waited six years to have shoulder impingement in both shoulders to be fixed and a completely shredded chest bicep, hubby had part of the arterial wall break loose and block blood to his heart. In 8 years has onlyseen our doc twice, both under duress, so his heart must have been bad for him to go to A&E. But he "walked" 45 mins all the way to the hospital, stood at the counter and said "I think I'm having a heart attack", as this stupid receptionist messed about trying to find our post code, hubby got closer and closer to the floor and went into cardiac arrest!
I'm not sure how the stress of this affected me, but it wasn't good.
No idea how, why or whatever but two weeks later I'm in so much pain myself I'm being seen by a rheumy who is telling me that while she has no idea what's destroying my spine, I have chronic OR in all major joints and quite a few smaller ones.
I only got to see her once more after this and unbeknownst to me, I was having fluid drained out of one of my knees. Wow I screamed the place down!!!
The nurse is there saying "squeeze my hand when it gets painful", I couldn't as the pain in my hands wouldn't even let me make a fist.
Turns out the Rheumy let the hospital Registrar use me as his first guinea pig patient, and didn't insert any analgesia or any other numbing agent until after he removed this massive needle from my knee.
So hobbling out, the rheumy talking over my head to someone behind me (I'm quite vertically challenged), I looked up and had to interrupt to ask, So what happens next? she replies, " well, I have a 1pm meeting and I think its the nurses' lunch break now", and with that, walked off.
Haven't seen or heard from the rheumatology dept since.
From 2011 to mid 2017 my entire support system was my hubby and my doc. I've only had a social worker over the last year and I only got her by accident as I was phoning the hospital to try and get someone, anyone to look at my back. The woman on the phone said "would you like a social worker", this kinda blew me away and left me speechless but any help is better than none.
Hubby and I have been married 10 years this September and haven't been able to share the same bed in 4 of those years. I had to spend a year sleeping upright on the sofa to stop me laying flat (as that virtually virtually
paralyses me come morning and I can't sleep with straight legs or I can't bend my knees.
I finally got a hospital bed a year ago (so now I sleep in the living room, hubby is upstairs) and due to the landlord now wanting his house back, I got moved up the priority list for an adapted house. We move in 20 days time and courtesy of OA, I've yet to have one good day where I can pack, without my knees, shoulders or ankles giving out on me, tennis elbow in both arms creating havoc or having to be carried back to the bed and fed diazepam and Oramorph for the pain and spasms.
My stress level is through the roof as the list of things to do seems endless and all seems to be needing to be done ASAP. I'm having so many break downs and "I can't cope anymore" days, and after waiting a whole two seriously stressed months and one excruciating scan to find out if I have MS (woo-hoo I don't) , I get told I'm anaemic again.
So this is me, and well, not exactly what I'd call a life as most of its spent either in a wheelchair or bed ridden crying in pain.
But I thought after being here so long and only just finding this OA forum, I'd introduce what's left of me.