Surya (sun) Namaskar (salutation) is a key teaching in Hatha yoga. The yoga of the physical body. There are many paths to wholeness - the braid of how healthier muscles, healthier digestive tissue, greater freedom of the intricate intercostal muscles around our ribs - all these get enhanced, moved, embodied through a committed and focussed practise. Increasing too our capacity to breathe well. Which increase our capacity to oxygenate our living and breathing cells.. Cellular health thus benefits. Cellular conversations benefit. Hormones regulate. We develop greater self awareness and tools to self regulate and in turn co-regulate our relationships.
There are many variations of the sun salutation, this is its most simplest. Honour your own unique body and build strength in ways that feel resonant.
Bright blessings for a lubricated October infused with delicious movement & beats to make you hum with aliveness
Remember: bring your dance to the mat! Playful explorations emerge from foundational focus & discipline.
How's your sunsalutation and what do you enjoy about it, what do you find challenging?
Song: Percy Tau
by Kamo Mphela