Growing up in 1940s Cork, Ireland. That's the chat here between my mother and me.
There are many ideas that whisper to us on the wind. Aren’t there? Or in dreams. Or just a fluttering from our strong hearts that wishes to be shared. Given a voice.
A strong feeling to understand more my own Irish ancestry, combined with deep admiration for the mental acuity of my mother, allowed this latest podcast series, ‘In Sacred Conversation with my Mother’ to birth. For months I’d been saying on occasion to my Mom (Marley as we call her), we must do our podcast. And we finally made it happen! What is it that you're wishing to make happen! Go for it! Take that step.
It feels honouring to record for posterity, for my niece and nephew, for my sister and cousins. For you and what it might ignite in your own family tree. To follow the paths and gateways that help us taste the medicine of our mothers. Not just our own, her mother, her mother before. Who was the Mother 10 generations before, 20 generations before! The Great Mother. It’s mind blowing really. All the stories that have been made and lived. Such potent medicine.
Perhaps allows yourself to reflect on your own relationship with your mother. Or mother figures in your life. Perhaps she passed beyond the veil long ago. Or you and her are long estranged and that leaves a deep wound upon your heart. Or perhaps you too have had the blessing to know her more this past year.
It’s been such rinsing times for us as a collective. How could it not spark greater depth in our own family relationships? Not always easy. Please remember, for the deeper dives, we need the right diving equipment! I know how valuable it has been to be much more vulnerable with my mother. We have always been close. Which also means we drive each other crazy! But love each other fearlessly and fully. Even writing this, brings tears to my eyes. To honour those who hold us so dearly in their hearts. So we can feel compassion. So we can experience the deepest and unconditional love. Which is all our birthrights.
This first episode, Marley shares from the beginning. From her birth in 1941. Hear her tales of growing up as one of seven, her closeness to her own Granny and the punitive, and at times violent, tone of her father.
It’s an honour to share these intimate conversations with you. Drink them in. Laugh with us. Cry with us. This is just the beginning. Join us next time as we follow Marley making her rite of passage into the swinging 60s of London. Listen here: