The wide ranging impact of obesity in disease, including T2DM, hypertension, dyslipidemia and cardio-vascular disease, is well established. The estimated direct costs to the NHS of obesity are estimated at over £6 billion. Interestingly, latest research has linked obesity as a high risk factor for COVID19 in people under 50 years old. Obesity as you see from the opening sentence,, comes with varying co-morbidities.
Diabetes and hyper-tension are the two main causes of kidney disease. So we see the domino effect on not fixing things at the root cause. It also puts one at higher risk of weaker bones and low back pain. Another significant cost to NHS.
We see why body composition really matters for health. Remember, there'll be many variables why a person is obese. A biopsychosocial (holistic) approach is needed. Our physiology and psychology intertwine. There are often deep seated unresolved emotional issues relating to obesity. Income affects outcome and when one lives hand to mouth, this can be a very distressing place to live and reaching for perceived 'cheap' food seems the only comfort. It is a myth however that good food is expensive. If you need any tips on that, please reach out.
The NHS cannot fix this. Only each individual can. This is where I believe community health comes into play. It is therefore vital we retain and build upon our own community fabric, so all held within, can feel there is at least some sense of care and support for one another. As someone who teaches regular community yoga classes, I see first hand the benefits and indeed the joyful realisations, that come from within each person, as they have the profound realisation that they are truly responsible for their health. This does not mean we don't need medical intervention. As we know, it is the only very necessary solution at times and may we always be thankful for that. However, only you are the person that is with yourself 100% of the time. Get to understand your habits and patterns and where they are coming from.
If you are looking to change your body composition, start somewhere. Begin to look honestly at your daily habits - how much you move, what your eating habits are, how you can motivate yourself and release repressed emotion. Slowly let old and damaging habits come into your awareness, so you can understand why they are there. And never give up. Believe and trust yourself more.
You can do anything you set your mind do. Have a dream and then bring it to life through action.