Hi All,
If life is a mindset - how do we get our minds on board? This in practise is very challenging, as it asks us to be with ourselves, honestly and openly. Where we are outwardly blaming others for the state of the world, can we turn the inquiry inwards instead, to see how we are managing our own relationships and family dynamics. Change your mind, change your life.
Yin yoga is a passive surrendering style of yoga. This by no means makes it an 'easier' style of practise. If there is great churning inner turbulence and agitation, sitting in stillness is very difficult. This is all about your nervous system which profoundly influences your emotional and mental wellbeing.
Let this yin yoga practise guide you back home, inwards, into yourself. Accepting all that arises. When we deny our feelings, we deny ourselves the opportunity to heal. As Louise Hay said, 'If you can feel, you can heal.'
Watch the video now here: