can anybody suggest me why i am suffering with lots of pains while taking vit D. Thanks in advance
can anybody suggest me why i am suffering with lots of pains while taking vit D. Thanks in advance
HI there. This is quite unusual in my experience. Do you know what form and what dosage of vitamin D you are taking and how long have you been taking it?
Try cod liver oil if you haven't yet
Me too. I'm post mini stroke six months and was on statin for three months, still on clopidorel. Was told my Vitamin D level was low and was prescribed supplement. I had massive headaches, stopped taking it, headache went away, started and it came back. GP had no clue, but as I've access to online medical journals, I read some papers that found Vitamin D supplements clash with statin! Now I just get my Vitamin D from being out whenever it's sunny.