Was on Methx tabs went from 15 -20mg but started having tum probs so just had 1st injectable 15mg and in 2 weeks increasing to 20mg injections ....didn't have hairloss issues on oral tabs (my big fear, sorry I'm not that vain) do you think in view of that I will be the same with injections ... Honesty please thanks people C x
Hairloss question: Was on Methx tabs went from 15 -20mg... - NRAS
Hairloss question

Hey there, I've started to get thinning hair after about 5-6 months on MTX injections (first 7.5 then 10 then 15mg). I've now switched to Leflunomide (not because of the hair issue but because I've started to get really bad nausea) instead and hope it'll return to normal. I have to say, people don't notice at all but I do see more of my scalp than I used to!!! It could also be caused by my anti-tnf drug though as it has hair loss listed as a symptom as well. And I have quite fine hair to begin with so if you have nice, thick hair there shouldn't be much of a problem!
And it's nothing to do with vanity so don't feel bad about worrying. My rheumy says all of this stuff is part of your quality of life, not just getting your symptoms down. xx
Hope this helps and take care, Christine xx
Oh forgot to say, I was on oral MTX before injections and didn't notice hair loss, I was for on them for less time though (about 3 months)!!
Thanks Christine x
Hi Claire, that is the thing with changing to other meds, you start thinking of the worse side affects again, i don't know the answer, but i'm sure there are friends on here that do, i just wanted to say try and not worry if this happens they will have to try another one for you, i know how i would fill as i love my hair to, let us know how you get on ,and take care xxx
I'm still losing hair thanks to methotrexate, but I was discovered to be allergic to it. It's 3 years since I had it and my hair still falls out. I was advised that the current effect on my hair is from the reaction from methotrexate. My hair is burnt & dry: it can never look nice.
Remember my lovely Claire everyone is different and everyone experiences different side effects,what one experiences,you may not so please always remember this.you have only just had your first injection so worrying more,like you and me both did when we started oral mtx.lovely Claire will be just fine :))))) xxxx
Didnt lose any on oral mtx xx increased hair loss occurs in any one over age of 35 due to ageing iread in med article the other day!! and thats witrhout mtx xx
Claire, MTX injections did not make any difference to my hair thickness. Summer is right about thinning of women's hair over 35. However MTX made mine finer at first on tabs, but I also think general state of health/diet had a lot to do with it, so I had a style which had a lot of layers chopped into it to make it look fuller. I also used Phytoaxil (French herbal shampoo available via Amazon. Costs about £8 a tube but excellent) which makes it luxurious and is gentle and good for the hair. Those new hair powders you rub into your hair to give volume make mine look quite voluminous, for a special occasion, but are a bit sticky. (Like sugary talcum powder!). You can get some height on your hair on those
Andrea, sorry to hear your hair has suffered. I use a wonderful product to dry my hair with from Shu Uemura called Satin Design. It gives shine and polish to dry and dull hair when blow drying. It is pricey at about £20 but lasts me ages. It makes the hair look and feel so healthy. Have a look online and see if they do a travel size.
Hiya Christine, I didn't know Simponi could cause hair thinning? Is that the same for all the other biologics? In all my recent research I didn't read anything about hair. (Have to let the Rheumy nurse know which biologic from Simponi, Enbrel and Humira this week.)
Julie xx
Thanks Julie ...going to look at Phytoaxil ..thanks for your help xx