How much alcohol with MTX?: My rheumy nurse said no... - NRAS


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How much alcohol with MTX?

Treesha profile image
33 Replies

My rheumy nurse said no alchol on MTX day or within 2 days after. I am going to a champagne dinner on new years eve so was wondering if I can join in with the champers.

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Treesha profile image
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33 Replies
LavendarLady profile image

Hi Treesha, ideally you should avoid alcohol completely. The leaflet which comes with MTX does explain why. MTX acts on the liver and is a very toxic drug which is cumulative and stays in your system. The poor old liver is under enough stress without adding to it.

I don't suppose 1 glass of champagne will do much harm but I suffered through having too much alcohol at a dinner some months ago and had several days of my liver letting me know it was very unhappy!

Stick to soft drinks after the 1 glass. A tonic water with ice and lemon looks very like a Gin and Tonic for example. I also drink Kiwi and Grape J2O which is a long drink so lasts and is refreshing with some ice.

Have a good Xmas and New Year. LavendarLady x

Gina_K profile image


My Consultant said an occasional glass no harm, actually what she said was if she was on MTX she would have the odd glass of vino!. I told her my aunt avoided the days she took the mtx and the Consultant said the day you take it would have no bearing on it as the alcohol is in your system, and it is the effect on your liver.

I would have your champers and enjoy, as long as you are having bloods tested regularly - it really up to you and your med team.

Best of luck, Gina.

Treesha profile image

Thanks ladies. I didn't get a leaflet about MTX only the chat with rheumy nurse so was a bit confused. Xxxx

Treesha did you get a methotrexate monitoring booklet when first given methotrexate?. there is advice on safe levels of alcohol conumption in there.

One smallish glass with some food should be ok x

Treesha profile image

No I havnt had anything. I was sat down with rheumy nurse and she chatted about when to take MTX and folic acid and blood tests. Any idea where I can get a copy of any official leaflets as my hubby doesn't seem to be grasping how toxic this drug is? X

Hi, in the NRAS leaflet :

it says

"Many rheumatologists believe however that it is safe to have up to ten units of alcohol per week i.e. a total of ten glasses of wine or five pints of beer or lager. People on MTX would be very unwise to exceed the maximum limit recommended for the population at large i.e. 14 units for women and 21 for men per week."

Hope this helps.

in reply to

WOW!!! the whole bottle is coming out tonight then :) kidding

I had my first very small glass of wine last night and then worried about what I'd done to myself!lol

very helpful ;)

in reply to

Whew! That sounds pretty generous! In which case, let's party :D

CaroleHe profile image

My consultant has told me that it is fine to have 12 to 14 units of alcohol a week, provided it's not all at the same time!

Just reading the MTX Arthritis Research pamphlet my rheumy gave me on Thursday having just downed my first 3 tablets 20 minutes ago. It says "If you drink alcohol you should only drink it in small amounts because methotrexate and alcohol can interact and damage your liver. Discuss this with your doctor". So that's hot off the press! TTx

Treesha profile image

Thanks everyone I used to like a couple glasses of wine each week with a meal out but feeling a bit scared of the stuff just now! Xxx

Not drinking won't bother me too much and up here in far north of Scotland people drink like fish and it's hard to say no so good to have an excuse not to drink as there's a lot of pressure - people think you are a killjoy if you don't? I'm far more worried about my hair falling out - that's my biggest anxiety really not having to lay off booze. I don't think I'll bother drinking anything now as you say Treesha it's too scary as liver is a pretty vital organ. TTx

Treesha profile image

I wish the answer was just no alcohol. Like you say I am beginning to feel like a party pooper. I live in a large city where our social life is restaurants and bars and because I havnt been told to avoid alcohol completely my hubby thinks I am being over cautious.

helixhelix profile image

Hi Treesha

The patient information leaflet should be inside the packet you get your pills in. If not, you can get one from the web

I've stopped drinking any alcohol now as I reckoned that many of the drugs we take are pretty hard on our livers, so I wanted to do everything I could to help my body cope. Hopefully I'm going to need my liver to be in good working order for a long time yet. I know the leaflets say that it's safe to have some alcohol with MTX, but I think there's a difference between how much you can have without it being unsafe and what is actually a good idea for the long term. In my wanderings around the internet I've yet to find research that looks at this in detail. Also, my rheumy said that she felt that a glass a month would be fine, but doesn't recommend I drink more than that despite what leaflet says. But at the end of the day it's a personal choice and I also find it easier just saying I can't drink with the medicine I'm on. And I still go out & have fun! So do what feels right for you.

GailH profile image

I drink as normal, on 20mg by injection and my liver's fine

Treesha profile image
Treesha in reply to GailH

Thanks for that. I am so worried about this drug and side effects its good to know most people are fine with it xxx

in reply to GailH

I was told that the injections bypass the liver, so that may be a slight advantage over the pills, perhaps?

Tessthomy profile image
Tessthomy in reply to GailH

Me too.. Eg a couple of small (125) glasses of wine a night with food sometimes a bit more occasional g and t but not very often. Lots of water during the day hope this helps I'm on 10mg tablets with monthly blood tests.

Treesha profile image

Thanks for the info I havnt had any proper information at all xx

lynn-bel profile image

Hi - I agree with Gina. I told my RA Cons. when she put me on MTX that in all honesty and to be realistic, I didnt think I could stop drinking totally and she said to wait for the MTX to stabilize after first taking it (started 11 yrs ago) and if all okay to go ahead and drink sensibly. I do drink but have cut back quite a bit lately mostly to lose weight and to feel better. But I love wine and Scotch and will NEVER give up totally. I get my bloods done every 6 weeks so as long as I keep a check on it I feel okay. Just don't overdo (which we shouldn't anyway).

Lynn x

Treesha profile image
Treesha in reply to lynn-bel

Good luck with the weight loss. And as for alcohol eveything in moderation. Its good to know you are still enjoying a little tipple now and then without any problems.take care xxx

Its a bit like pregnancy isn't it? There are always those who say eat unpasteurised cheeses or drink some wine it's good for you "I did it when I was pregant and it didn't harm any of you!" my mum used to say. But then the medical profession started on about Foetal Alcohol Synrome right in the middle of my third pregnancy and i felt awful. I just don't want the additional worry so probably won't touch it anymore because as Polly points out it's such a lot for the poor liver to take? But each to their own i'm sure it's okay to drink in moderation really. TTx

Treesha profile image
Treesha in reply to

So far I havnt anything to drink but I may try a small amount on a special occassion and see how things go. Thanks and have a good

Relax ladies, it really is Ok, especially for special occassions, or with a meal.

from the "older" generation.

By the way, how much is in a "unit" Sounds very generous!

Treesha profile image
Treesha in reply to

Thanks loret. I am worried about drugs I don't even like processed food! All things natural is my preference.hey ho we have to do what we have to do. Take care xxxx

sciqueen profile image


I started mtx 6 wks ago and I am on every two wks blood monitoring. I was told not to drink!

Whether that means because I am new to mtx, at the moment they prefer me not to drink, or that once its mtx has been established and that I can tolerate it, I may be able to drink sensibly or on special occasion I don't know.

Personally I don't mind not drinking as I only drank rarely before. However if I really wanted a drink at christmas, I would have it, as I don't see that 1 drink would make that much of a difference.

It seems that every consultant has their own opinions. However there is research available that has shown that mtx should not be given to alcoholics or heavy drinkers as alcohol seems to highten the toxic affect of mtx, resulting in faster incidence of liver damage!!! The problem is the research was conducted on heavy drinkers/alcoholics. What constitute heavy drinking? You see the dilema from this???

I hope that helps

Sci x

Treesha profile image

thanks Sci, it is a minefield isn't it? I'm going to try a small drink when we go to the theatre next week and see how I get on.I'm worried about feeling sick if I drink whilst taking this medication. I'll soon find out. Xxx

Beth58 profile image

Hi all, I've just seen this and my advice is; everyone is different so it's a case of finding out what your safe levels are. Bit like drink driving, someone could have 3 pts and be fine while another has 1 and it's to much.

When I was on MTX my consultants said alcohol in moderation however, I found I couldn't drink at all and suffered major hangovers and felt ill / very tired for days afterwards. I'm now on Leflunomide and still suffer when I've had a glass or 2 of wine.

So it's a case of trial and error to find a safe level for you and it might be avoid alcohol altogether!

Good luck

Beth xx

jonsi profile image

just seen my rhuemy today and hes putting me on MTX (oral) havent even got my prescbription yet, so i was just doing sum research on it, im 28 and i love my wine, i really dont wanna give up my wine ha ha ( honestly not an alchy) but i must agree with beth58, everyone is diff and we need to find the right amount thats safe for ourselves ( which im gonna ha ha ). but i suppose it will be good for me to cut down cause when that nurse told me my weight i nearly fell off the bloody scales LOL

Treesha profile image

A little of what u fancy does u good as the saying goes just dont overdo it xx

Shell1967 profile image

Hi I'm on week 11 of mtx and last 3 weekends have had 2 glasses of wine on a sat nite and no problems with blood rheumy sed 3 to 4 glasses a week but don't binge and should be enjoy the will be fine :))) Claire my lovely mate on here has a top consultant in Southend and she told her up tp 10 units a week is fine but defintly don't binge !! If you have a dodgy blood test then well you will know but I doubt you will after a couple of glasses.i didn't drink any alcohol for 1 st 2 months but started to miss it,took Claire's and Andes advice and had a couple of glasses of wine iPhone a sat nite and everything is ok.just don't binge take care Michelle xx

I had blood results saying my red cells enlarged my gp asked if I'd had a drink . My rheumy consultant said it was fine to have a few glasses of wine at the weekend when on mtx I'm now bit worried too has what to do .

karentd profile image

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