The first of the newbie bloggers: Hi All, This is my... - NRAS


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The first of the newbie bloggers

3 Replies

Hi All,

This is my first proper blog and although I am technically a newbie, I have been at NRAS a bit longer than some of the other newbies who I’m sure you will hear from in due course!

I’ve been with NRAS for two months already and how quickly it has flown by! I took over the role of Online & Social Media Coordinator at the end of August, very excited to be joining the team. Within a couple of weeks I was already cheering our runners on at the Great North Run with Val and Oli.

The weekend involved a mammoth journey in the slowest hire car in motoring history, ghost stories (and thereafter the fear of sleeping in the old halls at Newcastle University) and some rain, sun, rain and more sun on the day of the run. At the end of the day we were exhausted and hadn’t even taken part in the race. Well done again to all those who took part and good luck to those running in the Great South Run this Sunday!

Since then I’ve been busy with the website, database and building up our followers on Twitter and Facebook. We had our official 10th Birthday last Tuesday and all enjoyed some cake (that’s not much of a novelty here – cake mad I tell you).

The Christmas merchandise on the eBay shop has been flying off the virtual shelves so make sure you get your order in soon! We have Christmas cards, gift wrap and money wallets this year. You can visit the shop here:

Alternatively you can call Val on 01628 501547 or email at to place your order or to request an order form.

To continue the Christmas theme (I know it’s early!), we are gearing up for the NRAS Christmas Concert on Friday 9th December. It will be held at All Saints Church, Maidenhead and tickets are £10 (£6 for Concessions). It looks to be a great night with two local schools performing and also a cheeky performance by NRAS’ well-reviewed Clare Jacklin (she is currently rehearsing to play the wicked witch in a production of Snow White). For tickets, please call 01628 501547 or email

So apart from the Christmas Concert, Fundraising is quietening down and after a meeting about next year’s events, plans are coming together. I can reveal that we will be embracing the Olympic theme with the aim to encourage all our NRAS supporters to do what exercise they can and raise money for this space!

And as I’m on the subject of exercise, I should mention that I am famously a sportphobe...always the last to be picked for games at school and generally clumsy in any form of exercise. Yet today came the news that Oli and I have both won places to run in The National Lottery Olympic Park Run! I screamed with excitement and fear in equal measure as I read the confirmation email. Luckily the run is only 5 miles and at the end of March so I might survive! I think with my NRAS t-shirt on and a few jogs round the block beforehand I will leave behind the flashbacks of former school sport experiences - cross country running in the snow, being sent off in Netball for being disorientated (of all things) and even walking/fainting into a folded trampoline (I had a small injury and felt queasy..) only to regain consciousness with my skirt up and the whole P.E. class staring at the giant bruise on my head.

So exciting things to come! Keep an eye out for our next year’s events and see what you can do to get involved. I look after Facebook and Twitter so if you have any news to share, email me at

Until next time!


Online & Social Media Coordinator

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Hi Ruth!

Well I will start the ball rolling, I joined here out of curiosity, and oh boy am I glad I did!

I did felt so alone with my condition and now, if I feel a bit low - I just log on and see what everyone else is up to!

Whoever started this site is a star, and I thank them for doing so!

Thank you


Hi Ruth. I have RA but it is well controlled by MTX . I am an admin on a small group called Just for Laughs as we believe laughter is the best medicine and the fortitude and humour of some of these RA sufferers never ceases to amaze me. I am one of the lucky ones whose disease progression was halted before too much damage was done but the first six months were awful as I was completely disabled and relied on Steroid injections and pain killers without knowing if the medication would work. Thank God it did and without any side effects. Now I lead a normal life once more, can walk miles and do all the things I couldn't before like turning on taps or getting out of a chair. Anyway congratulations on your achievements so far and good luck with future projects. Your enthusiasm is very apparent.

Welcome Ruth,

nice blog. well done on deciding to do the run xx

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