does anyone else feel constantly sick on mtrex - NRAS
does anyone else feel constantly sick on mtrex

Can I ask you how long you have been taking MTX?
When I first started taking it, yes I felt sick all the time, after 5 months I was no better and my condition had worsened. I now inject, and don't suffer as bad.
I hope you start to feel better soon
been on it since april no other side effect apart from feeling constantly sick and i have been sick a few times
Have you spoken to your RA team/GP ?
Are you taking folic acid as this apparently helps with side effects.
I've been on MTX for years taking folic acid on a Monday and Wednesday evening and then MTX on Friday evening. Initially I felt sick on a Saturday morning but this stopped after a while.
Some people on here take more folic acid than me which is probably due to them being on a higher dose of MTX (I'm only on a low dose of MTX 7.5 by tablet)
Hope you feel better soon
I've been on MTX since april and thankfully have not felt sick.
Speak to your GP/RA nurse - if you feel sick all the time I'm sure there is something that can give you to help
hope you feel better soon
Sylvia i
I used to feel sick constantly with MTX but now I take folic acid every day except the day I take the MTX and that has solved the problem. A friend told me that she has a small piece of chocolate with the MTX and that has solved her sickness problem (that's a really good excuse to have chocolate). Others have found a little snack taken with MTX also helps.
I do hope you solve the problem but I know that it is a common one.
Hi I took methotrexate tablets every week for about three years.I did feel permanently nauseous and my tummy used to have a horrible empty feeling.It was only when I kept complaining about it to the clinic that I was put on Metotrexate injections.The sickness has disappeared as I gather injections are absorbed into the system and not through the stomach.Do contact your rheumy dept.You don t have to go through this.
What doseage of metho do you take.I found the higher the dose the more nauseous I felt.Hope you find this helpful.avril xx
MTX tablets made me very sick and nauseous despite the folic acid on 6 days a week, so was switched to the injections and apart from the occasional sickness, not had anywhere near the side effects.
If you are taking tablets, I did find when I was on them, it was better to space them out during the day rather than taking them all at once. I found my stomach rebelled if I took all together but was much happier if I spaced them out and took them after food.
Have a word with your rheumy about going onto the injections.
Also your GP should be able to give you some anti sickness pills which do help.
Hope you will feel better soon. LavendarLady x
I take a prescription frolic acid every day as i understand it gets depleted with high dosages of methotrexate. I do get sick the day I take this med which is on Monday. I am queasy on Wednesday also but come Thursday I feel better. It has stopped lot of pain I can walk with out cane or walker. Being on the medicine for 3 rd month now. Pain in my hands still that I am happy to do dishes so I can have hot soapy water on my hands.
Hi Dianalm, I hope you are not taking folic acid on MTX day as that is a no no.
I used to find when on MTX tablets that the queasiness and sickness could also come on the day after taking them. The folic acid helps control the side effects of the MTX.
I have been on MTX (now by injection) for 3 years and my consultant has just upped the dose to 20mg as still getting flare ups a bit too regularly for his peace of mind. Mine as well.
Interesting that you find hot water helps the hands - in my case I find it is a sink full of cold water that does the trick. Ah well, we are all diifferent. LavendarLady x
Did anyone have their hair come out taking MTX?
I took 10mg per week, along with folic acid every day except the day I took the MTX and the day after. I was pretty much nauseated the 3 months I was on it, and was totally uninterested in food (unusual for me). I lost over 10 pounds(which was not a bad thing for me, as I need to lose a lot more). I did have hair loss too; or more specifically, thinning of my already thin, fine hair! It really didn't help my RA symptoms much, and my doc took me off it to try something else.
thanks everyone for advice hospital cancelled appointment again so i will go and see my gp
Hi i was taking methotrexate for about 3 years and was always feeling very sick i also started suffering very bad headaches and blurred vision and coloured flashes of lights, i came off methotrexate a couple of months ago now with no headaches or sickness, im now going onto self injections. I also take 4 sulphazalasine tablets daily.
Also very tired all the time with little get up and go, awful feeling.
Just my experiance... I hated mtx, even injected! i felt constantly nauseous, the whites of my eyes were a bit yellowy, my skin sallow, and i lost clumps of hair (even with folic acid), my liver results were also bad, so hence they took me of it and we found something else.
Everyone is different and if it helps your arthritis it is a hard decision...
Ella x
yes i did, so i gave it up because of toxicity 6 yrs mindful of that.
I took it for years and had to stop because a side effect is urinary tract infections, and I was getting one every other month. I really don't miss it or my hair falling out.
It's not as bad for me with the injections. I also take 5mg of folic acid daily.
thanks for all your advice , been to gp and he has given me some gastro tablets he seemed suprised that i wasnt on them all ready ,so far so good a couple of days after taking these i am no longer feeling sick .
I'm on 30mg injections of metex (europe goes up to that level) with no noticeable side effects as yet. Have started on biologics so will be decreasing amount of metex hopefully. Had tried pills which unfortunately did nothing for me and made me sick.
hi i am on metoject 15mg was on 20mg , i take 5mg of folic acid 6 days a week , i feel sick all the time all time go to doctors and yes take this tablet metocloprmide 3times a day , great , ,, all they do is say have a tablet to help with the side affects , i get so so fed up of taking , them , any one on her feel like just taking no tablets and see wot happens ???
I do every day. I've been told to up the frolic acid but some days it knocks me put for the day spent last 3 Sundays in bed so sick n dizzy food taste awful but I keep eating gained over 8 pound in a month.