I got diagnosed in January still on steroids,taking m... - NRAS


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I got diagnosed in January still on steroids,taking methotrexate how well do you get.Any idea anyone

jeff2045 profile image
6 Replies
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jeff2045 profile image
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6 Replies

I think it depends how early on in the disease's progress you are diagnosed and treated Jeff. I've been taking MTX for almost a year now and Hydroxichloraquine since April and I'm feeling really well - apart from some unpleasant drug side effects sometimes. This is probably because I was diagnosed early but I also take advantage of all good days to exercise my muscles as much as possible and have gradually built up strength and fitness levels this way so I feel more resilliant.

I would say that it took at least 8 months to get pretty well and a further couple of months to stabilise enough to now call myself in drug induced remission. If you have been sick for longer to begin with then it may take longer for the MTX to work. It's also hard to tell if you are taking steroids because they won't be modifying the disease - merely suppressing the symptoms. Have you tried coming off them slowly? I can't take steroids at all and count myself as quite lucky for this but I realise for some they are a much needed respite from pain. I think you should expect to get well again without relying on steroids and that should also be your rheumy team's aim - even if it takes a long time.

Ps re steroids - coming off them should only ever be done with your rheumy team's support and very slowly. You may need a higher dose of MTX and or another DMARD to be introduced first.

helixhelix profile image

Unless you are one of the very unlucky group who have an RA that really doesn't respond to the meds, or is extra aggressive I think you (and your rheumy team) should be getting you back to 90% normal. And to me, if all you've been tried on is MTX then your team aren't trying hard enough.

Like Tilda, it took me well over a year to get this under some sort of control. But once I'd been on MTX alone for 6 months or so without enough improvement then other drugs were added in, and dosages changed etc until things really improved. I think that 6 months is a general yardstick for seeing whether a drug is working for you, and rheumy's do seem to give each drug about that long before even starting to think about changing.

But there are loads and loads of different drugs to try, so I'd start nagging your rheumy!

dtech profile image

Agree with all above. The RA doc threw everything at me early on so: MTX, sulfasalazine, naproxin & plaquinal. Took about 6-9 months before I was (sort of) back to normal. Still get tired easier and the odd aches, but I count myself lucky I was diagnosed early.Hope this helps. If you need more help message me.Jeff. Cheers. Stuart.

Josie2 profile image

I was diagnosed earlier this year and after a horrendous time with mtx, bad time on steroid tablets i think im actually starting to settle on my leflunomide, went from 10mg to 20mg and had few bad side effects but apart from the odd little flare in my knuckles and shoulder im glad i persevered.

I still get tired a lot and run down but honestly think, fingers crossed, im on the up.

Take care


earthwitch profile image

Have you seen your rheumatologist in that time? If not then definitely get your GP to try and get you a follow up appointment fairly soon. I get really nervous about folk being on steroids for so long - they really are dangerous drugs to take long term and ten months is a long time. I would have thought that they should have been adding in another DMARD by now and trying to get you off the steroids, so that is something you could ask your GP to push for rheumatologist reassessment for.

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