Can mtx bring on menopause: I am on 25mg mtx a week and... - NRAS


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Can mtx bring on menopause

nottsexsportfanatic profile image

I am on 25mg mtx a week and have not had a period for 3 months now ie since the increased dose. Before that it was every fortnight. Forgot to ask when at the hospital yesterday..


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nottsexsportfanatic profile image
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7 Replies

Are you in the perimenopausal age category Tina? I remember a long while ago when I first came on this site there was a debate going on about MTX stopping periods. I believe that RA and menopause are strongly connected for me and mine was a bit early but then so was my late mum's menopause. It does seem to be a bit of a coincidence re the rise in dose of MTX and the lack of periods and I know that people who are trying to conceive are told to come off MTX for quite a while so it's not in their systems because it causes miscarriage and fetal abnormalities so I'm making a guess that hormonal changes and MTX are strongly connected. Tilda x

Sailaway profile image

Or...could it be the other way round, that menopause has a hand in RA? Not knowing how long you've had a diagnosis, it might not be relevant. However, there have been a couple of articles on RA Warrior's blog about scientists looking into a possible link between the change in hormone levels and the onset of inflammatory arthritis (I don't think there's any firm conclusion.)

Any alteration in cycle is something GPs would check out and your GP can do a blood test which will show if you're going into the menopause.

The bloodtest measures your Folicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and can be very variable so one week it could look like your meno was quite advanced but then a month later it could be almost back to normal. But you are right Sailaway that would probably be the first step although the FSH results can only indicate whether you are peri-meno or conclusively out the other end I believe. TTx

Thanks for the replies. I am 46 so poss menopause age range. Diagnosed with ra 8 months ago. I will head to gp and see if they think it's worth checking.



Yes good idea. Mine started when I was 45 and was confirmed when I was 46 and I don't think RA started until I was about 47. You should mention it to your GP anyway as it could be the MTX that's affecting your normal hormonal state. Tilda x

jaqi1 profile image

hi all, i haven't had a period for about 4 months now, i know i'm not pregnant, so not sure what to do x

in reply to jaqi1

Hi Jaqi1

This can certainly be an effect of the methotrexate but if you are really worried about this talk to your GP or rheumatogy nurse to get some further information and advice

Best wishes


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