Christmas is coming!: I was lucky enough to go away to... - NRAS


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Christmas is coming!

2 Replies

I was lucky enough to go away to Spain for a few days last week with a few close girlfriends. A fine time was had by all with lots of delicious food, a glass or two of wine and lots of lovely sunshine! We were celebrating a rather significant birthday of mine which I hadn’t even wanted to acknowledge existed earlier on in the year!

On Saturday I am off to visit Portsmouth University with my son who will be leaving school next year. He has chosen five universities he would like to visit and I am very relieved to say that Chester is the furthest away! I’m hoping once he has been to see a few places he will be encouraged to work a little harder at school and finish his time at secondary school with flying colours!

Having recharged my batteries I am now ready for a very busy time in Fundraising. This Sunday we have 14 people taking part in the Royal Parks Half Marathon in aid of NRAS. We have been lucky enough to have been chosen by NOW Magazine as the recipient of any sponsorship raised by their team of runners. Sadly the weather isn’t looking promising for the day, however this won’t deter Ruth or I from cheering the team on as they take on the challenge of a half marathon. If you would like to sponsor any of the NRAS team taking part please visit . Good luck to all our runners on Sunday -you are all stars!

With Christmas fast approaching we are now selling our Christmas cards/wallets/wrapping paper – I should add that we chose and ordered these in January of this year! You can order your cards by either visiting our eBay shop at or give me a call on 01628 501547.

Our Christmas Carol Concert this year is on the 7th December and we are now finalising the programme for the evening. The concert will once again take place at All Saints Church in Maidenhead and we hope that as many of you as possible will be able to join us on the evening. I’m pleased to say the NRAS Ronettes will once again perform on the evening. If you would like to buy tickets give me a call on 01628 501547.

Our challenges/runs programme for 2013 is almost completed. We will once again have guaranteed places in both the Great North and South Runs, the Royal Parks Half Marathon and fingers crossed we will be able to hold our NRAS 10k once again (weather permitting). We have included some of our favourite challenges - skydiving and Hadrian’s Wall and the introduction of a new sailing challenge. Why not make 2013 the year to take one of our challenges? As always I would be happy to hear from you. Don’t forget to take part in ‘The Knit Factor’, now is the ideal time to start knitting your winter woollies to keep you warm during the months ahead. For more information on ‘The Knit Factor’ please visit our website at or contact Ruth at

As always I would love to hear from you if you have fundraising ideas of your own, we are always happy to support you in any way we can so get in touch at or give me a call on 01628 501547. Have a great weekend, fingers crossed for a little sunshine!


Events Fundraiser

2 Replies

HI Val - I have had a few fundraising ideas but NRAS is so far away (almost a thousand miles) from where I live that I suspect it would be hard to drum up support here when there are so many local charities and branches of larger charities such as Arthritis Care up here. I will keep pondering though and of course NRAS is my charity of choice if I ever do find a way.

And to make you ponder too I read your paragraph that starts "With Christmas fast approaching.." as being a sponsored fast for Xmas - not many takers for that one I imagine!? Tilda

TraceyH profile image

Tilda, how about getting involved in The Knit Factor which we launched today? Anyone can take part and it's a great way of keeping your hand joints moving and a perfect opportunity to get together with friends and knit something together! If you visit the NRAS website it gives you lots of info as well as some knitting ideas.

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