Does anyone else get persistant kidney/water infections with mtx, I came off it because of feeling unwell and when my pain got so bad went back on it again and the infections have come back instantly - in a bit of a dilema?
MTX and infections: Does anyone else get persistant... - NRAS
MTX and infections

How much water do you drink in a day? They do say that you really need to drink a lot when you are on this kind of drug to make sure it flushes through properly.
The other thing is did they actually test your urine for infection? If they didn't, it might just have been irritation from your urine not being diluted enough. Ask them to do a urine culture next time just to make sure it really is infection.
Yes I drink loads of water and lots of cranberry cos I know its good for water problems, I've been on numerous antibiotics for infections through them checking, I was just wondering if it was a problem with my waterworks though or if other people get it, I know you're prone to infections while on mtx but it's always waterworks with me nothing else - strange
I was on MTX for quite a Iong time and I always used to have water infections.. I used to have to take a high and longer
dose of antibiotics to kill the infection because a normal dose wasn't powerful enough. People on MTX are prone to water infections because their immune system is compromised because the drug lowers their immune system.
Do you take any other medications? I have experienced this but it was caused by contraceptives. When I take them for prolonged periods I get frequent water infections which become serious kidney infection. Try looking at the side effects of all you drugs and varying what you do and don't take to eliminate the culprit. I take MTX too at 20 mg but don't get it with that.
Thanks Pidge, the only meds I take are for RA, like anti inflamatories etc but I'm sure it's MTX cos it comes back when I go back on it, on a really low dose just now just 7.5mg just to try and control it, but I was originally taking 25mg and had to take antibiotics with it, it just seems crazy!
My mum has been suffering for nearly 3 years now since she went on MTX. Doctor keeps putting her on antibiotics. She has been to see a urologist but she just sent her for a few tests and has asked her to go back in 3 months! The urologist thinks MTX is the culprit. Until then she is on antibiotics every other week which cant be good for her. Probably built up immunity to the antibiotics as shes on them so often. She drinks lots aswell, water and cranberry juice.
I also have urniary tract infections real often. Before being on the MXT I was put on a medicacation to keep the infection away and it worked for a YEAR. But when I went on the MXT I started back even though I was still taking the meds that had blocked it for a year. Good to know others have the same problem.
sorry Lorraine I don't understand, who are you sending this message to?
I am pretty sure that lorraine is a spam post, as its on other messages too. I've reported it.
I inject 15 mg MTX. Weekly and a few months ago had a horrendous water and kidney infection , and had surgery to remove stones. My Rheumy did not connect the two but has taken me off calcium supplements now .
I,ve had RA fro 11 years and been on MTX about 6 years , last 4 injecting.
Hi Lydia, Yes I also get water infections and have just had another bout of cystitis and I do drink plenty during the day. Doc put me onto a 5 day course of strong antibiotics and that cleared it up. As soon as I get that familiar feeling, I start drinking as much as I can to try and fend it off. Lemon Barley Water is very good as I believe cystitis is caused by too much alkaline in the bladder and it needs to be rebalanced. This is the first attack I have had for 2 years so I suppose I musn't complain.
MTX is well known for lowering your resistance to various bugs - I then went down with a heavy cold immediately after the cystitis had cleared up! I also inject 25 mg of MTX a week.
Also noticed hair loss and a very dry skin.
If the water bugs continue, you may have to see a urologist to get it properly investigated.
Good luck. Lavendarlady x
Thanks very much Lavendalady, I've just come across the lemon barley water, so have started taking it, but i do think I'm gonna have to go on another course of antibiotics now as it's going to my kidneys, I seem to be able to fend off all other bugs etc even when my kids have them I don't seem to go down with them, but waterwork problems seem to be a norm with me now, such a pain, still I have a lot to be thankful for as well so mustn't compain. Thanks for your blog and hope you have a good winter without too many bugs xx
I have the very same problem with lefluemide. What meds you on now? An what was the solution from the docs
I have the very same problem with lefluemide . How are you now ?