does anyone have any info on Embrel?: i have had... - NRAS


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does anyone have any info on Embrel?

Maggie1 profile image
9 Replies

i have had chronic pain since April this year!! in my feet and hands, i have been taken off Methotrexate because of my blood results and bone marrow. but I still take Sulfazalasine 2000mg and Hydroxychloraquine.Recently went to see the rheamy Podiatrist, she said the pain was due to Fibromyalga and that Embrel may help? every time i see the rheamatolagist they tell me they cannot help with the pain from the Fibromyalga!!

i have an appointment next week with the rheaumatologist and i want to be prepared as i don't want to go away again feeling like i have been fobbed off.

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Maggie1 profile image
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9 Replies
medicinalme profile image

I dont' know if you have ever tried Humira. At one point I had psoriasis and r/a. My Dermatologist put me on Humira which is much like an epi-pen. It has helped me very much. I have no more break outs from the psoriasis and my rheumatoid arthritis is minimal. You may want to mention it, I will say on the box so many unwanted side effects, but honestly I have had none of them and have been on Humira for the past two years. Many ppl. shy away because of what the side effects are but again in the two yrs. that I have been giving myself the shot every two wks. I have had no side effects. Of course you will see side effects' on many drugs', maybe not quite the same but it does help. I would say I am 99percent curred, pain is minimal and the psoriasis is gone. Mention this RX and see what your Rheumy has to say. I myself say "thank god" there is something to stop this!! Good Luck!!

magglen profile image

i have been on Enbrel for a couple of years now and it has transformed my life. I am back walking every day which is my favourite hobby. I do have twinges here and there, especally hands and feet, but it is not what I would call pain. I do hope it works for you as well as it has for me. xx

Ellabelle profile image

when it was first suspected that I had RA my step-mum mentioned a friend who was on Embrel and that it had worked wonders for her. I've just had my 3rd dose of MTX as I'm newly diagnosed but will certainly be asking about Embrel in the future if my symptoms don't improve. Good luck x

Maggie1 profile image

Thank you i will take this info back to the rheaumatologist with me...Maggien are there any side effects with Embrel?

Medicinalme thank you for that i have never heard of Humira, but i will look it up.

thanks again

Maggie x

mille profile image

Hi Maggie, i was on enbrel for over 3 months and unfortunately it didn't help me at all, i am now on rituximab and don't seem to be getting much help from that either. I know a lot of people get tremendous help with enbrel and it is injected once a week with a pen, I got swelling and redness at the injection site but that wasn't a major problem. We all react to these drugs differently and hopefully you will get on well with it.

chrispe profile image

Hi iwas on embrel for 5 years other than slight stinging of injections it was great. Sadly it no longer works for me.itried humuria as well useless for me good luck chris

helixhelix profile image

One of the (many) frustrating things about RA is that the response people have to the drugs can be so different. And there's no way of being 100% sure in advance which will work best for you. So for most of us it's only by trying them out can we find what will work best.

Enbrel is one of the "biologic" drugs, which work to control your inflammation in a slightly different way than the disease modifying drugs you've been on so far. NRAS has useful info in their publication called Biologics. They have to be injected, rather than taken in pill form. And they do have a slightly higher risk of infections than the DMARDS. But everything has risks - including living with uncontrolled inflammation. Side effects are said to be better tho' - but I don't take them myself.

Generally in England you have to have tried the DMARDS first, and have fairly active RA, before you'll be allowed to try a Biologic. So I'm not yet allowed them as I haven't failed enough on DMARDS...but given the chance I'd leap at them! Polly

Maggie1 profile image

i have a feeling they wont let me leap at anything....they seem to be hell bent on the cheapest drugs!!

thank you all for your responses i will let you now how i get on.

:-) Maggie

COFFEEPOT222 profile image
COFFEEPOT222 in reply to Maggie1

I was diagnosed with RA 14 months ago and its been a battle and a half feeling like a guinnepig most of the time try methetrexate tablets but cos it can cause stomach probs and ulcers take these tablets few months later no thats not working start self injecting same meds that helps a bit but still getting very active RA and a lot of side effects and still in lot of pain every time i go see my rhumatoid doc he was saying i need to give it time to work kept thinking he was fobing me off got to the point of having to walk with sticks but found that really hard cos of the pain in hands fingers and awkward to control the sticks cos of this, started to feel like a prisoner in my own home and not being able to do much in way of even smallest household chores my 20 year old daughter had to do most of this for me along with helping me get dressed half me get in and out the bath washing my hair even brushing my hair and spraying deoderant under my arms all dignaty went out the window. getting on and off the bus to go for my blood tests every two weeks was very very painful as i hav RA also in my knees the tiredness still comes over me very quick and need to sleep for 3 to 4 hours i was eventually tested by blood test for hiv and other things and chest x ray to see if all was clear before they considered putting me on bio meds i was put on cimzia which was great for 2 days and then back to how i was swollen and in pain 6 months later they start listening to me when i say its not working im now about to start embrel self pen injections oh yes i also was put on very strong pain killers which only work for hour or so but can only take 3 a day they give me very bad headaches which lasts for days they give me constipation so bad i have to take a syrupy liquid laxative every day i used to be someone who hated to even take paracetamol etc for bad headaches and now i feel like a human chemist i just want to feel a bit like normal again but when is this every going to happen

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