Throat infection - Do you try to fight it off yoursel... - NRAS


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Throat infection - Do you try to fight it off yourself or have to go straight on antibiotics when on mtx.

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12 Replies
helixhelix profile image

you've got asthma as well haven't you? So I'd go to Doc sooner rather than later. I'm a lot more relaxed about things now, as I think I can tell when something's settling in for a long stay and when it's just passing through & I can ignore it. But I think it's better to be cautious 'till you know how your body reacts.

Have you peered in your throat as well? I thought I was getting an infection, as started to cough and had itchy throat. But it turned out it was mouth ulcers all round back of my mouth instead (thankfully now starting to heal, thanks to lots of folic acid, mouthwash and dropping a dose of MTX). Px

beth48 profile image

Hi Paulywoo,have just read your comment re throat to Sylvi,really think you should get it checked .We are told to take notice of this sort of thing so the sooner checked the sooner sorted. Think the longer we are on the same meds. the easier it is to spot anything that may be serious or not, i always take my MTX booklet with me just in case the gp i see isn't clued up on these things.

Good luck and take care Beth xx

bigmommy profile image

Yes I agree with the others but if no anti biotics prescribed try manuka honey with lemon I take it every day and sweat by it I hope you will soon be better xx

Thanks for the replies lovely ladies :-) I think I'll call the GP in the morning and see what he thinks. I've felt out of sorts for over a week now and today I couldn't even summon up the energy to get dressed and walk my dogs, very unusual for me. Anyway, this afternoon my throat started to hurt and when I looked I could see my tonsil looks all ulcerated and nasty..yuk. In the past when this sort of thing happened I'd just fight it off in a week or two but being new to mtx changes things. Thanks for the advice

Paula x

Hi, this could be oral thrush. I had a sore throat for ages when I was on MTX.

My GP was annoyed that I had put up with it for ages, hoping it might go away! He diagnosed oral thrush which looks like a white coating on the back of the throat. He said it can occur with MTX. So if I were you I would get a GP onto it soon.

Hi Paula,

Same as all the other ladies, best to get it checked out. I thought I was going down with something yesterday but am ok today so I think it was hay fever.

Let's us know what the doc says, hope you feel better soon.

Mary x

watson3 profile image

Sorry to hear that you are suffering from the dreaded ,sose throat. I agree with the rest of our lovely friends, a doc appt best bet. Ask also for some difflam, it has a local amaesthetic added and great to reduce the pain.

Wishing you a speedy recovery.


allanah profile image

Yep I agree!! Best to see docs in case they want to give u medication, good luck, drink lots ......of water lol Axx

caggy profile image

Hi Paula,

I asked myself the same question, seems like we(as patients) know best, I have had my sore throat and extreeme tiredness for weeks, but when I had phoned GP(8weeks ago)I was told to take plenty of pain relief, I did get to see the nurse who agreed and suggested mouth wash too, then low and behold after seeing the Rheumy nurse 3 weeks ago she said any infection while MTX needs antibiotics, my case was that I was about to restart MTX then as you will know, I saw a new gp who did a MOT and straight away put me on antibiotics and ordered other test, that by the way have come back negative for Thyriod, But the Moral of my story is that I am feeling so much better after completing the course of meds, My OH said why on earth didn't they give them to you at first; frustrating I know, but I think we do need to insist as I have felt like death warmed up for weeks and now I am feeling ok. May be it's the Sun maybe it's the MTX or even Maybe it is the antibiotics...Ps had to come off Quinne for cramp and can't wait to get that back in my system,

Hope you get treated quicker than me and start to feel yourself again soon

Love Carol

in reply to caggy

Thanks for the reply Carol and good to hear you're feeling better now yourself.

Paula x

oldtimer profile image

Whenever I have a sore throat, I have to have another blood test NOW, in case the white blood cells have crashed. So see the doctor NOW.

Then I usually have a "postponed prescription" of anitbiotics. The GP rings me to either start taking it (white cells raised a lot - usual) or no signs of a generalised infection and white cells OK, wait and have blood test repeated in X days.

Hi oldtimer, I've been to the GP and started antibiotics now. I hadn't even thought about the white blood cells but I'm due a blood test on Thursday. I'll discuss with my specialist nurse at my appointment on Tuesday. The GP did say to me that it was inevitable that I'd pick up more infections as a result of mtx. Thanks for the advice

Paula x

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