Bad taste - bad smell.....: For several months now I've... - NRAS


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Bad taste - bad smell.....

4 Replies

For several months now I've been experiencing a bad taste/smell. We weren't sure what it was, thought it was the Sulphazalazine so stopped that. It didn't improve, swapped back to the brand Plaquenil rather than the generic - still didn't improve.

Teeth were fine, sent to ENT to check sinuses which were clear as I'd expected. Anyway the ENT guy (who I've known for years & trust) decided to do an MRI scan to check that there was nothing blocking the sinuses, he though that it might just be my brain mis-iterpretating the nerve messages!!!

Anyway got the MRI results last week & he say that I have got a small pituitary adenoma - basically a small growth in the pituitary gland!!!!

This may be causing pressure on the nerves just above it.

Interestingly as well, following eye surgery 6 years a go I have been left seeing double - this was put down to the brain again mis-interpretating the signals!

It is also one of the symptoms of the adenoma.

So now I got to see an endocrinologist for further tests!

Watch this space!!!

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4 Replies
Philip profile image

Hi Pauline, I'm on the sulphasalazine too and that does cause a horrible taste, what's the alternative? At the moment I feel Like I could chop a couple of limbs off lol.


shelleh profile image

Hi I am also on Sulfasalazine but I have never been offered an alternative. i would like to try different meds on a trial and error basis but never get offered anything else. Was getting bloods took every 2 weeks and now it 6 monthly but as of yet not had my usual reminder to go for this either. sort of feeling like I have been forgotten about!

elsa123 profile image

Hi Pauline,

Glad you are getting somewhere at last.

Did they give you any indication as to what treatment is available?

Nic x

tiger profile image

Thank goodness your ENT chap had the foresight to do an MRI. Hope that you you get your endocrinologist appt soon and that they get you sorted out. Let us know how you get on.

Take care of yourself

Wendy xx

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