Hi Everyone, Im new to RA and I really dont like it and. - NRAS


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Hi Everyone, Im new to RA and I really dont like it and.

Philip profile image
10 Replies

I dont know what to expect in the future near and far. I am struggling with my hands and feet mostly at the moment but I dont know what to do for the best, shoes, boots and cushioned insouls. any magic answers please ?

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Philip profile image
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10 Replies

Glad you came on here for help there is a fab group off support, but sorry for the reason your here.

To be honest everyones RA is completly different all I can say is there is some good medication available and I am sure you will be getting treatment, unfortunatly it can take months to get full effect.

As for shoes I find this a really important help for me to wear a good pair of shoes, I also get orthotics made for me has your rheumy reffered you to a podatrist yet?

I buy hotters shoes and find them so comfy, along with my orthotics it not only helps the pain in my feet but they also align my feet better and so give me better back support (less pain)

Unfortunatly there is no magic answers available, alls I can say is find yourself a good rheumy and good gp and most important I think is a good support network to help you through the bad times both physically and emotionally.

Take care

Julie x

Hi Philip

Well you are in the right place for answers to your questions. There is wealth of experience on here. how long have you been diagnosed and what treatment are you on? I think I am one of the lucky ones, had my first major flare last year and have been on Mtx since December 2010. So far so good, it has damped down the RA activity and my bloods are "normal". It is so different for everyone though, as you will see from other's experiences. Like Julie above says you should be referred to the podiatrist. I am still awaiting my appointment! but that is because I slipped through the net apparently :-) But they should sort out your feet. In the meantime, look after them, I use Bio freeze on painful swollen joints and warmed up wheat bag when they were just painful, or achy. I suffered awfully with my knuckles being swollen and fingers stiffening up, if they are really bad, you could try soaking them in warm water and get them going, or there are wax baths out there which I hear are very very good. Hopefully the medication will kick in, but do you have any problems with this being diabetic - sorry I don't know?

Whilst you are in a flare just try and look after yourself, as I found the kinder you are to yourself the better you feel and quicker you get on top of things. I wouldnt have know half of this if I had logged onto the NRAS forum and this site it has been a brilliant source of support, information and advice.

Your best friends are your rheummy nurse and consultant never be afraid to get in touch with them and if that fails get to your GP if you have any major worries.

Keep posting and look after yourself

Julie xx

welcome to the group yes I dont like RA either but there are some fab people on here to chear you up and some very knowledgeable long term sufferers who can offer advice

alison x

Sheila_G profile image

Hi Philip. Sorry you have RA. I presume you are under a rheumatologist and they are sorting your meds out. Once you are settled into the right tabs/inj you will start to feel much better. As for what to expect in the future. None of us know that but I think it is best to take one day at a time because with this condition that is very much what it is like. The pain, stiffness, fatigue etc do change from day to day. The best advice I have had on this forum is to pace myself. We all tend to go mad and do far too much when we hav a good day and then suffer for it. It's hard but it really is true. Good luck. I hope you feel better soon. x

Judi profile image

Hi, nice to meet you but so sorry to hear you have been diagnosed with RA.

Seen the suggestion here to try heat for your hands. Just to show you how different we are, I find cold helps me more. (Either lunging hands/fingers etc. in cold water for as long as I can stand it or a bag of frozen peas, wrapped in a thin 'T' towel). Sleeping - dangling my hand(s) down by the side of the bed has helped a bit and/or wrapping my hands/feet in a cold wet towel has also brought me some relief. xxxx

Hi, I was just diagnosed this Feb, it's quite a learning curve but with the support I've had from everyone on this site has helped.

Shoes, as suggested from someone here, I bought a pair of mephisto shoes (allrounders) and these have made a huge difference and I'm not being kept awake with pain in my feet ever since. They do mens also, I also added cushioned insoles for extra comfort. As Judi suggested, I find frozen pease and putting hands in cold water helps first thing.

Not sure if you have same problems but I had quite an amount of muscle wastage due to a horrid flare and have found a 'Tia Chi DVD for arthritis' has helped get some movement back.

Take care and I hope all improves soon :)

Gina_K profile image

Hi and welcome,

Great support & advice on here, non judgemental and helpful. If you feel like asking a question no matter how silly you feel it is ,do ask. My feet were worst affected initially and for few months could not walk, my advice would be rest so you don't do too much damage, as they try to get inflammation under control. Make apt with podiatrist and get some orthotics, meanwhile trainers, I find skechers lites especially good and you can get in black, thick sole!!! You can in the interim buy some good supports etc in Boots, Ah the many happy hours perusing the foot isle in Boots! Luckily, I am doing well now & just back from a nice walk, where my pug decided to launch herself into 4 feet of water, but thats another story! Who knew pugs love swimming!

Anyway, You take each day as it comes, and try and go thru some of the archive blogs on here might help reassure you.

xxx. Gina.

Philip profile image

Thank you everyone for your answers, I have only been to see my rheumatologis 2 times about this and it haken taken a few months between the 2 visits but I think now they have the diagnoses they can get their fingers out and help me lol, I suffer with RA, Fibromyalgia ( I run our local support group for the fibro) COPD diabetic nuropathy., ME , so Iam used to pain and not getting any medical help but this RA is just a lot too much lol.The Rheumy has told me that I need to see a medical team to give me help and support so Im now waiting to get myself into the system and get sorted.. Trying to find footwear isnt an easy task I have seen lots of boots and shoes but they do seem to be expensive lol typical I suppose.though.

I must admit though I think I shall enjoy being part of your support forum because you all seem to be warm and freindly, Thank you.


Hi Philip

Found your introduction after replying to you on the injections thread.

Welcome to Health Unlocked. A great place to be for support and information; lots of folk, lots of knowledge and a wealth of tried and tested experiences! Glad you have found us and NRAS!

I don't know whether you have joined NRAS (nras.org.uk/default.aspx), well worth doing if you haven't already done so; they produce loads of literature about living with RA, treatments etc. Two you may find useful are 'Newly diagnosed' and 'Managing well - Living with RA'; do take a look at the very informative website.

I'm Lyn, married with four 'kidults' aged between 16 and 23. All four in various stages of education! We live in Thornton Cleveleys in north west Lancashire. I was diagnosed with RA 23 years ago and have since run the gamut of medication (although more options are popping up now and again thankfully!) and had lots of surgical procedures along the way. Currently on Enbrel, Prednisolone and Naproxen, (I'm about to restart methotrexate after a break) and a wagon load of pain killers! But heyho...

Before setting off down the footwear route (it can become very expensive!) ask to be referred for a podiatry assessment and to see an occupational therapist. Podiatry will arrange properly fitting orthotics, if required, and OT will advise on wrist splints/supports to help your hands. The latter will also advice on all manner of joint protection which will come in very useful.

Look forward to getting to know you Philip,

Lyn x

Philip profile image

Thank you for the advise Lyn, my father in law lives there too lol we live in southport, I'm at docs next week and I'll do as you say ty

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