Hi everyone they diagnosed I had psoriatic arthritis a while ago they tried me on MTX tablets but had bad upset stomach so they gave me injection instead but started getting joint pain in back and chest and hand area is this normal or do get back in touch with my doctor I dont know whether to take next injection as it might get worse
Side effects : Hi everyone they diagnosed I had... - NRAS
Side effects

Personally I'd contact your rheumatology team to let them know what's happening and ask for advice. It's hard to know sometimes whether what we're experiencing is a worsening of symptoms or a medication side effect. I'm sure they'll be able to help you decide whether to give the methotrexate more of a trial or if it's not suiting you.
I agree with @virtualreality. Any changes that could be a result of taking your RA meds should be checked with your RA team. It is worth doing; you are not wasting their time, and you should not get stressed about it. Especially as stress can make your RA worse! 🙂 Don't worry. It is a fair question to ask
hello can you please tell me how they diagnosed specifcally psoriatic arthritis ? As opposed to inflammatory or osteoarthritis ?
Methotrexate is such a Jekyll and Hyde drug. I know many, many people who have taken it for years without a single problem. I had tablets and then injections and had adverse reactions to them both. I would definitely check with your rheumatology team as they will give you the best advice - and you'll feel much better for checking with them. Wishing you all the best.
Hi Spaceman, I had oral methotrexate at first and was also change to self injections and l have had a few problems at first but they went away quite soon you dont say how long you have been on them , you usually start on a low dose and very often they are not strong enoughband you need the strength to be increased.. lt would be a good idea to speak with your RA help line at your hospital they should give you advice or speak with your consultant for you . Hope you get it sorted soon
Deffo get back to your RA team. Hard to know if it's the meds, your body reacting to early days for the meds. First year is roller coaster while trying to find what works, coping with side effects, body adjusting to meds which are powerful but will do the job of reducing the symptoms.
All the best.