Ok, this is a bit odd, but since I got seronegative arthritis I have also developed more food sensitivity/intolerance, the most extreme being rocket leaves, which I've had twice since my diagnosis and on both occasions had severe stomach pain and vomiting. Never had that problem before I got arthritis. Anyone else developed more food intolerance with arthritis? Maybe it is totally unrelated and just bad luck...🤢 edit: wasn't on any medication when I had reactions to rocket, but was during flare up, so inflammation present. Since posting, I found another person online who has rocket intolerance. Can't believe it's a thing!
New food intolerance : Ok, this is a bit odd, but since... - NRAS
New food intolerance

Hello, Bizarrely I'm the opposite! Since going on my various RA meds the food allergy I had to stone fruit has disappeared. I count it as the one benefit of having RA.
I developed lactose intolerance at the same time as the worst flare that had me seeking a diagnosis. I was told it was due to inflammation in the bowel where lactase is normally excreted.
The other thing I developed an allergy to cranberries, would bring me out in a dreadful rash, even drinking water with a hint of cranberries. Once I started biologics, it disappeared and I accidentally found I could tolerate them again..
could it be related to medication?
I hope you get to the source
Yes. Also developed hay fever! Very odd.
When I was first diagnosed with Sero+ RA 20+ years ago one of the first questions I was asked was “do you have Hayfever?”
Which I did very badly…but over the years on all sorts of RA meds…I now only get it occasionally!
I don't have hay-fever (yet!) but definitely new food sensitivity
It's mostly tree pollen in my case. I also became very allergic to eggs. I went on an elimination diet, reintroduced eggs and threw up! Tried several times, same result. I have an issue with wheat and quite a few medications. I never had these issues until fairly recently. It is possible to develop allergies later in life. It's a right pain...particularly the egg part!
I have developed an allergy to eggs also even though I’ve had allergy clinic screening but by that time I had removed all traces from my diet. The allergy is quite bad my throat swells and I have trouble swallowing as well as having diarrhoea for 24 hours. I also have an intermittent lactose intolerance but that seems to be when I’m on oral steroids. I take an antihistamine everyday but the fexofenadine version as for me it works a lot better. So I guess I’m saying that all kinds of different intolerances crop up. One thing that I cannot tolerate is a gluten free diet my body needs the gluten or I have the worst stomach pain and diarrhoea until it’s cleared my system.
good to know thanks
Have try to stop eating food that cause inflammation ? I started today
Seems for you it is heightened when in a RA flare. I noticed on Rituximab (2014-2021) my sense of taste was heightened and some foods tasted extra sweet or extra bitter, etc. I do have a very strong sense of smell and taste though. I’ve had RA since 1995 and no food intolerances, etc. back then. I cannot stand the taste of rocket though and never have. It’s the most bitter, acrid taste to me. I like many bitter things too like grapefruit and lemon. I’ve a fair few sensitivities as I got to my 40s and allergies but nothing I can’t get round as it’s things like soya milk/yoghurts, strawberries and shellfish.
Yes I've delivered multiple food intolerances over the years, hay fever and mosquitoes are now my best friend..
Not an allergy but whilst on mtx I developed an aversion to fish. I'm off mtx now but still cannot face eating fish. I really should try it one day.
I have seropositive RA and since starting sulfasalazine have had the same symptoms as yourself plus diarrhoea a number of times - my GP put this down to a greater susceptibility to food poisoning due to the immunosuppressant effects of the drug. I found your post very interesting as there may be more involved in my case and I have been avoiding eating out since taking the drug. In respect to your issue, RA in itself (without any possible drug side effects) can make one more susceptible to infection (and intolerance and allergies?) - presumably/possibly as a result of the immune system being affected in various ways.
Yes, I became intolerant to gluten, dairy and eggs. Can now, 7 years later and after 6 weeks of not eating any of them, eat a small amount of each.
Yes, me too. I was always able to eat most things. But the disease started with lactose intolerance and now has gone on to encompass tomatoes, carrots, butternut squash and salmon. It's very annoying!
Yes indeed because they are nice healthy foods. Are you able to tolerate small amounts or none?