Has anyone else has very dry and sore eyes on biologics? Did it get better over time or did you have to stop/ switch to an alternative? I had this with adalimumab (Amgevita) so switched to etanercept (Benepali) but the same thing is happening again. I’m so keen to get better but my eyes are very sore despite using various drops and I don’t know that I can continue to take the medication.
Eye side effects on biologics for rheumatoid arthritis - NRAS
Eye side effects on biologics for rheumatoid arthritis

Are you/your doctors sure it is the drugs not the disease? I have developed mild Sjorgens which is common with RA, and causes dry eyes which are very itchy. Doesn’t seem to be affected by changing biologics (now on my third).
Go to an optician and get him to check your eyes. Arthritis can cause some eye problems which are treatable.
it’s ok I have been diagnosed with dry eye now - although treatments not that effective!
You could be suffering from dry eye and not uncommon if you have RA. I have it too and I'm prescribed eye drops. HyLo Tear preservative free. I had it before biological meds. I would contact your GP or Rhuemy dept.
my rheumy has just referred me to eye consultant for assessment. He says there are long acting eye drops that can be prescribed.
yes dry eyes and mouth , skin rashes and fungal infections! Came off after 3 months, back onMTX.
As others have said I would think it is more likely the disease than the treatment causing the dry eyes. I suggest talking to your rheumatology team about it. I have dry eyes and have been prescribed hylotear. I think you can buy them over the counter but they are very expensive. They last a lot longer than normal eye drops.
dry sore eyes are a symptom of rheumatoid arthritis and can signify you are not u dear control.
I have very dry, sore eyes all the time and I am not on biologics. I have drops, blephasol wipes, heated eye bag and I have a humidifier on in the house when central heating is on. I don't know if this is due to RA but I have always thought so. Keep eyes moisturised to prevent worse problems. Good luck.
Interesting. I thought my eye problems, dry eyes, red eye, were due to Hydroxychloroquine not the Etanercept. Went for an eye test yesterday, and they are considerably worse; I've acquired another cataract. I have stopped Hydroxychloroquine for the moment, and they are better. I'll see what the consultant says
You should definitely get this investigated, I have Sjorgrens, with similar symptoms, there is also sicca, both common with RD. It could well be nothing to do with your biologic, and both can be treated. If left untreated, eyes can suffer irreparable damage.
I've had dry eye due to R A not biologics. Been prescribed drops for yearsc