tearful : hi anyone feel tired and tearful after a few... - NRAS


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Uglow profile image
22 Replies

hi anyone feel tired and tearful after a few days after Christmas. I do can’t think of a reason just a really low mood. And I wanted to decrease tomorrow but think I might wait a week. Any advice please

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Uglow profile image
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22 Replies
Mmrr profile image

Sorry to hear that you are feeling a bit low. It isn't that uncommon, the big build up, everyone is meant to be in a happy family, have the time of their lives. It just isn't that way for many people, even people who are in supportive families. Much as I like Christmas, I find the whole Christmas - New Year too long and drawn out.

What is it you were thinking of decreasing tomorrow ?

Uglow profile image
Uglow in reply to Mmrr

hi my Prednisolone from 8 to 7.5 Iv been on 8mg for 6 weeks and bern fine so thought time to decrease again

I would often feel like this, think Christmas can bring alot of pressure ( can only speak for myself ) all gets a bit much !

Hope you feel more you soon x

JenniferW profile image

Christmas is hard work and takes a long time to prepare for, it's not surprising that we flop afterwards. Also the food is different to normal, so are meal times and routine. Plus it's the middle of winter and it has been rubbish weather.

I meant to get some long overdue jobs done once our guests had left but I am flopped in a heap and hanging out some washing was today's major achievement. I feel guilty and a bit down, but I can't do anything about it.

In short, no it's not just you.

Uglow profile image
Uglow in reply to JenniferW

thank you

sylvi profile image

I have been in tears these last two nights, i call it my crash when i am fit for nothing after lunch, but these past two nights the crash hasn't come until well into the evening.xxx

Haz58 profile image
Haz58 in reply to sylvi

Bless you Sylvi. Sending hugs. Like me you've been in a lot of pain. It's so draining and the tiredness is just pants. We've been crying together I think. Xxx

Cas85 profile image

You are not alone, Uglow! Holidays are always hard for so many people. And with health issues like many of us have, it can be even harder. Hang in there and know that this is likely a temporary feeling but also speak to a therapist if this feeling persists. Sending you good wishes (& a long-distance hug) for 2023!!

Bookworm1961 profile image

Hi Uglow and a Happy New Year to you.I used to feel like you after every Christmas but December 2020 I was hit by I don't know what healthwise I'm 61 and like most of us of a certain age we get aches and stiffness but this was something different...felt like I'd been hit by a bus no exaggeration there, ribs spine hips neck you name it it hurt .plus awful fatigue effected my breathing...was refetred to rheumatologist who suspected psoriatic arthritis mri scans blood work after a year of waiting to be tested didn't shed light..rheumy at a loss...my point family not really supportive through that time so I announced Chrustmas 2020 I'm not doing Christmas any more and don't want the stress., sister was off with me because of it ..so past 3 Dec no spending on presents, only using cards already have left till gone, no tree, ust bit of tinsel, have overspent on food, didn't want people in house especially since covid because my friends and family not careful about mixing. I only spent price of 3 second class stamps overall. My holiday period in house spent alone, even though I still getting symptoms of bad cramping across throat shoulders and back hips stiff I been out for short walks pilates in house which helps, read, did puzzles, did family history online, been happy no sadness and even though I'm out of work and watching money i remain positive, rheumy not interested as he can't decide what's wrong with me so I am practising self love. I think we have to do the right thing for our own mental and physical health dont matter what others think so I will be doing same thing next year. I used to know an elderly lady used to spend Chrustmas on her own and felt sorry for her now I understand she was happy that way. I don't care what people think any more my own health and happy was more important to me, and pennies saved hopefully for my 1st holiday on my own which I cherish in over 3 years as not been well.


HappykindaGal profile image
HappykindaGal in reply to Bookworm1961

🙌🙌🙌🙌 Doing it your way! Me too. I spent it on my own doing what I did or didn’t want to do. I refuse to be pressured by anyone else that ‘feels sorry for me being on my own at Christmas ‘. Why? They don’t give a stuff the other 350 days of the year 🤷🏼‍♀️

People mean well, but don’t realise that when you have no family, suddenly being thrown into someone else’s happy family makes you feel a whole heap worse still and only highlights the fact you’re on your own.

Also people confuse alone with lonely and they’re quite different.

Next year, I’ll be in Barbados and yes, going on my own 🌞🌞🌻

Bookworm1961 profile image
Bookworm1961 in reply to HappykindaGal

Hi HappykindaGal I totally agree with you. We as women are conditioned to put everyone else before ourselves eg as people pleaser. . This is why we get stressed out at Christmas and then plummet afterwards..been there done it never again. You are right I was reading the difference between being alone and lonely on line before Christmas and it's nice to know there are a lot of us out there, it takes a lot of inner strength to be happy in your own company,, you can be surrounded by people and still feel alone. Good for you with the holiday in Barbados, enjoy every minute and stay safe.

3LittleBirds2 profile image
3LittleBirds2 in reply to Bookworm1961

Hi, I fully agree with you on this! We do always put others before ourselves and it's hard to change that, BUT after hosting Xmas etc in a bad flare, and with the dreaded lurgy that turned into Bronchitis, I'm not doing it this year and have already said so. We've got a log cabin in Wales on standby and if we can take our dogs that's where we will be heading, would love it to be somewhere hot and sunny but hubby has to work and can travel from where we will be staying and we won't leave the dogs with a sitter for Xmas. The prep before, the shopping, the clearing up after wards and yes, people help but it's still hard work. I also think as we age, we realise more what is important and not to put that pressure on ourselves. Hope you are feeling a little brighter Uglow too. Xx

Bookworm1961 profile image
Bookworm1961 in reply to 3LittleBirds2

Hi 3LittleBirds2. I agree as you get older ypu can't do what you used to do and yes you do realise what is more important and that is our health. I have had underactive thyroid and on meds for 13 years , during the 1st year of covid which I think I had it it triggered a psoriatic arthritis flare up I had psoriasis in my 20s for 2 years then mysteriously went and came back as the severe version as arthritis after 2 yrs it has nearly burnt out still awful pains around upper back stress does make it worse I avoid stress where I can. I have follow up later this year with rheumy. I think the log cabin in Wales sounds fantastic, enjoy and destress.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to HappykindaGal

I often mention the difference of being alone and being lonely to people who don't distinguish between the two.I was an only child, so spent alot of time alone so I guess I'm used to and value my own space.

HappykindaGal profile image
HappykindaGal in reply to Mmrr

Me too! I'm an only child. I was adopted and met my brother 12 years ago. Yes, I'm used to amusing myself and don't need other people to constantly entertain me.

Bookworm1961 profile image

Hi Uglow and everyone again on the board, just an idea I have found listening to Michelles Sanctuary online really helps wheni do feel down hundreds of stories that can be used to help you sink.into sleep or I use them as a pick me up through the day. For relaxation hundreds of different situations where you imagine yourself in from cosy cottages in the snow or cotswolds to foreign delights, I actually find the stories waste at bedtime as I fall asleep before the end, I think they call it mindful meditation, please give them a go. The story about tge husky at the pyramids is 👍

Sheila_G profile image

Oh bless you. I think that is quite common and it will pass. There is so much hype over Christmas and the lead up to it and then it is like a burst balloon. Try to remember that you are not alone, it is common and it won't last forever. You will start to pick up. I know it is hard, I have been there many times and that is how I know it will go. Try not to force yourself to feel better, that just makes you feel frustrated because it isn't working. Try to relax, accept that it is here and will be short lived. Don't watch or listen to the news. They only broadcast bad news. There are many great and good things happening in the world and around us and there are many things to look forward to at this time of year. If you have a garden, have a walk round it and you will see new growth everywhere, bulbs are starting to appear and spring is not too far away, then we have summer and nice warm weather ahead. Please be kind to yourself. Come back on this site to talk again. Remember a trouble shared is a trouble halved. xx

Pepperpot22 profile image

Ohh, glad this isn’t just me! Feel very weepy & I'm never weepy! Newly diagnosed but still waiting to be put on methotrexate. Routine X-ray 11th Oct showed shadow on lung, 2.5 month wait for follow up X-ray & still waiting for results 🙄 Waiting, waiting, so frustrating!

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to Pepperpot22

The waiting is very frustrating, particularly in rheumatology were things move very slowly at the best of times.Personally I would start chasing the chest X Ray results after the holiday period has finished.

Bethany02 profile image

Steroids cause low and high moods so it could be this as well as post Christmas blues. Sometimes I like a little music 🎶 to cheer me so whatever your favourite is loud and sing and dance along if it's doesn't help still worth a try.

I always have a dip after Christmas. I think most people do. I have reserved January for reading in bed and doing house jobs if I’m up to it; I don’t plan on seeing anyone til Feb 🤣.

Miasnana profile image

for many people post-Christmas and January can leave you feeling very low, spring is way to far away (although my snowdrops are pushing through) and we are not getting enough sun. My husband suffered badly from depression made worst by SAD so we got a light box which really helped, many people on this site are not able to get outside enough and this coupled with constant pain, it’s no wonder we’re feeling down.

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