Hello. Is it possible to have inflamed tendons and normal CRP levels. Thanks
Inflammation and normal Crp levels : Hello. Is it... - NRAS
Inflammation and normal Crp levels

Yes.I'm seronegative but have tendonitis and tenosynovitis, my CRP levels are, apart from one rogue result, always within normal levels.
Bloods are only one guide as to what is going on, signs and symptoms are really important too.
Hi, how did you get diagnosed with tendonitis too please? I have seronegative rheumatoid too. My tendons in my arms and hands are particularly sore and tiring. But the consultants don't want to know- especially because nothing shows in the blood either- they only respond to the inflammation with fluid- which is only on my knees.
How do you treat tendonitis? With anything?
Hello. The inflammation is obvious in my feet and an ultra sound usually shows more precise parts. What medication are you on?
A very long up hill battle with the rheumatology dept ....saying I was depressed, After I confronted them with a report from the clinical psychologist saying I wasn't depressed, I refused to move from the consultation room until I was taken seriously. She re MRId me, which showed tenosynovitis, clinical judgement that I probably had tendonitis too. I was fast tracked to biologics.
Move on 3 years....I sit as a patient for medical students, the accompanying consultant suggested that I had tendonitis at the last session, several weeks ago.
I had a private appointment last week, he too suggested tendonitis.
Ice temporarily cools things off, supporting my arms on a cushion, but.....the main thing is getting the RA under control.
If you have a consultant who relies only on bloods isn't easy to be taken seriously.
Yes, recently complete frozen shoulder and carpal tunnel tendonitis and NORMAL crp levels, as I asked GP if possible to get depot steroid injection. GP said no because crp levels not showing inflammation. You just cannot win!!!!!
Yes. I had constant CRP of1 but non stop pain and couldn’t even hold a cup or use a knife . Con said nothing wrong because bloods ok. Ultrasound of wrists found tendonitis and reason for agony. Medication had stopped working.
Yes, anything over 1 means I have inflammation despite guidelines saying no! Luckily my consultant listens to and looks at me, not a piece of paper!
My notifications won't load. Just get stuck in a never-ending circle.
My inflammation levels also look normal in my bloods all the time but have clear inflammation going on. My rheumatologist will always request ultrasound scans to check for active inflammation within the joints and tendons I am just awaiting an appointment for ultrasound scans of my ankles following my last rheumatology appointment with my consultant to see if I need steroid injections into the joints. I am not sure if your rheumatology team are aware of your pain and inflammation so would advise contacting them if they don’t as they can do further investigations for you. x
Absolutely! I have very normal everything except CCP (17 which my doc considers elevated although most scales say over 20) and RF (a whopping 143). CRP and all other indicators very normal. In January I couldn't pick up a glass of water or do up my own bra! Diagnosed RA due to CCP. My symptoms were considered atypical though because it 100% tendon inflammation (including pain, crunching, swelling, loss of mobility etc) I've been on plaquenil and celebrex and tremendous improvement though not quite normal yet (they are talking MTX next). Best of luck!!
Yes I have inflamed joints yet blood tests show normal. I suppose it's the fact that it's at a level I can manage, so doesn't seem to matter as much to others. It should though.
Yes absolutely my CRP is never elevated saw rheumy yesterday and ended up with loads of X-rays coz pain and inflammation is so bad but they’re looking at osteoarthritis too coz don’t think the pain etc is down to RA might be I need new knees and hips who knows just hope it shows something or I’m going to struggle to be believed. ?? Answer is most definitely.
Yes that's what they've said about me, I finally had x-rays on the knees, and both show osteoarthritis finally after 7 years! He told me I'd need knee replacements in a couple of years. Trying to lose the weight but it is so hard due to 2.5 years of lockdown and losing mum last year. Still we plod on!
Yeah I know what you mean I’ve lost weight about 10KG but not in a good way mine is due to all the antibiotics I’ve had to have coz of lots of infections. My X-rays have been looked at says there’s some wear and tear and erosion but nothing that needs intervention yet. It seems mine is down to cartlidge and tendon inflammation so at least they’re considering methotrexate again for me. I also lost my dad about a month after we were all in lockdown and it was tough I couldn’t travel to see him because he lived too far away and I couldn’t make the car journey and he didn’t want me to because he knew he was dying. Last time I saw him he had two black eyes and a broken nose from a fall. The stress of losing a loved one certainly doesn’t help either.