5th booster : I have been offered pfizer which I have... - NRAS


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5th booster

trace58 profile image
36 Replies

I have been offered pfizer which I have already had 4 or Moderna for my 5th booster anyone's consultant got any ideas on this ?

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trace58 profile image
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36 Replies
nomoreheels profile image

My 5th (spring booster) was Moderna, the first time I’d had it. My Consultant has had no input in my vaccines, I don’t even know who my named Rheumy is nowadays so why would I expect him to?!

AgedCrone profile image

As someone who had really nasty reactions to the first two AZ vaccinations and then no side effects at all to the third Pfizer…. I have no hesitation in saying I would stay with the devil you know.Although one isn’t given a choice…. I was at the hospital last week and a vaccination clinic was going on and I was chatting to the nurse and I asked which one were they giving ……it was the Pfizer so I said what happens if people don’t want that…she said they have to have what we offer…..or wait … and she didn’t know how long that would be.

I nearly rolled up my sleeve and said I’ll have it…but I have another month to wait.🙁

I've had 2 AZ , 1 Pfizer and 1 Moderna, i didn't have any choice about which one I had and my rheumatologist wouldn't have a clue which ones I've had and have never offered any recommendations (I havent asked ).

I was told because of my age (48) I was given the moderna vaccine as my 4th and not the Pfizer, had nothing to do with me being on immunosuppressive drugs.

bpeal1 profile image
bpeal1 in reply to Marionfromhappydays

I’m not that far behind you in age and I’ve had 5 Phizer. I’ve just taken whatever was on offer the day I went. Nobody has said I should have Moderna because of my age.

Otto11 profile image
Otto11 in reply to Marionfromhappydays

I’ve had the same as you & as you say my Consultant wouldn’t know which I had had. I was told it’s just what they have on the day x

Lolabridge profile image

I'm not expecting to be offered a choice for my 5th. I'll take whatever is on offer.

To the best of my understanding, unless there is a medical reason not to have a specific vaccine, you generally get whatever is available at the centre on the day. At earlier points in the pandemic, when they were trying to get first doses into everyone, if you rang round the various centres locally on the day, I was told you might be able to get a choice that way: the fact that anyone is giving you an option is pretty unusual in and of itself. As others have said, none of my various consultants - including rheum - have expressed any opinion at all about vaccines in terms of which to have, all they’re interested in is that those than should (and can) have them do so, but for what it’s worth, and with the caveat that I’m not remotely medically qualified, there is evidence from the various studies that mixing vaccines can provide more effective cover than sticking to just one kind.

Neonkittie17 profile image

This was from inews.co.uk from December 2021, and the head nurse at my vaccine centre last month said the same as below:

“AstraZeneca was the most-used vaccine for first and second jabs in the UK, but its use is now being scaled back.

Here’s why Pfizer and Moderna have been preferred for boosters.

Why is AstraZeneca not being used for boosters?

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has only recommended the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for boosters.

This is because they both use mRNA technologies, which tell our bodies to reproduce the Covid-19 spike protein and break it down through a direct immune response.

Professor Wei Shen Lim, chair of Covid-19 immunisation for the JCVI, said studies showed this to provide “a very good immune boost”.

The AstraZeneca jab is delivered using an adenovirus vector rather than mRNA technology

Adenovirus vectors use a modified version of a virus that is different from the one being targeted to deliver information to our cells, triggering our immune system to produce antibodies and activate other immune cells.

While the AstraZeneca jab has still been very effective in protecting against serious illness from Covid-19, current data suggests mRNA vaccines do a better job.

Research has shown that a booster shot of the Pfizer vaccine is 95.6 per cent more effective than two jabs, and Moderna has recorded similarly impressive results.

Can I get a Pfizer or Moderna booster after having AstraZeneca?

The JCVI has recommended a “mix-and-match” approach to the booster roll-out, meaning third vaccinations will not necessarily be the same as the first two.

People who received AstraZeneca will get either Pfizer or Moderna. This has been deemed both safe and effective.”

There will be people who have had reactions to the mRNA vaccines and can only have the AZ as a booster.

Belgium here and we don't get a choice here, it's just take what is on offer at the moment you get your shot. I have had 4 shots in total now (healthy people have 3). I had Moderna - Moderna - Pfizer - Moderna. Honestly never asked my rheumy what he thinks about the different brands, I only asked at the very beginning what he thought about the vaccins in general and he said: take them. So whenever they offer me a shot, I take it.

Runrig01 profile image

Like others have said I’m surprised your being offered a choice. I wouldn’t dream of asking my rheumatologist, it’s not his field of expertise, and would probably just say anything for the sake of saying something. I’ve been told it’s better to mix the vaccines, as evidence shows you get a better response. I’ve had 2 AZ, 1 Pfizer and 2 Moderna. Was Ill with both AZ & Pfizer, but still prefer that to covid. Have had antibodies tested and had a good response following all of them. I’m on 5 immunosuppressants plus 2 steroid inhalers, so was surprised by my response.

trace58 profile image
trace58 in reply to Runrig01

They have arranged a diffetent one for me I didnt ask for it ! and was only asking if anyone else ithey have arranged it and we have chosen the best one for myself and husband as all 4 have not worked enougb on him ! so everyone so quick to judge

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to trace58

How do you mean, please ... so everyone so quick to judge? I don’t think anyone is judging. I’m quite behind everyone else with the vaccines, but I’m told I can have Moderna for my booster in June so I’m getting a different one to the three primary (Pfizer) doses. As Maureen said, there’s evidence that mixing the vaccines can give a better response. The link I posted yesterday said the JCVI recommends this.

You’re not given AZ at my vaccine centre for a booster unless you need it if you’ve had an allergy/reaction to Pfizer/Moderna. The mrna vaccines are said by the experts to work better as boosters. I agree with others though that rheumatologists aren’t usually wanting to be involved in recommending vaccine choices. I understand too that you want to try a different one for your husband if the previous four haven’t worked well enough. Good luck.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Runrig01

I had a bad reaction to AZ vax 1&2…so when three was due….I went to the clinic giving the vaccine…asked to speak to the clinician in charge & joined the queue.He came & I showed him my rheumy’s letter advising me not to have AZ again….& he said they were using Pfizer,& added my name to the list.

The nice thing was….when I went to join the back of the queue…the people in the queue where I had been….stopped me &said they had saved my place.

I didn’t know them…..but how kind of them.

Runrig01 profile image
Runrig01 in reply to AgedCrone

How lovely of them, still many kind people around. I have AZ for the first 2 with the 2nd being dreadful, I put some of the issues down to not producing cortisol. Then I had Pfizer which left me ill for 2 weeks with the first 2 days stuck in bed. The 4th & 5th gave been Moderna which have been fine, with just the sore arm. Still better than the alternative 🤪🤗

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Runrig01

I’m still sitting on the fence…I definitely won’t have AZ..but I’m quite relaxed about Pfizer/Moderna …I do know at my age I should have a 4th jab…but really can’t face feeling so awful again. Maybe I’ll change my mind.

Runrig01 profile image
Runrig01 in reply to AgedCrone

The way I look at it, is that the side effects are due to the vaccine working very hard at producing antibodies, which is why you feel rough. So if my body is doing this whilst trying to protect me it’s worth it. Saying that I seem to have had a similar response to all vaccines re antibodies, mounting a moderate response to them all. You have to do what’s best for you

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Runrig01

I had my last vaccine in November ‘21…still no antibodies.My rheumy & haematologist are digging up all sorts of tests…but neither really seem to know what advice to give.

We all know it’s best to have it….but I’m exhausted having felt side effects for so long.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to AgedCrone

My Immunologist said people on Rtx definitely need have their B cells tested (and evaluated by an immunologist) around the vaccines and not good enough to rely on a general statement saying leave 6 months, as one size does not fit all. It took 10 months for my B cells to repopulate and almost a year to get them them to a level he feels is acceptable to repeat my failed Covid vaccines (zero antibodies). It could take much longer for the B cells to generate into Ig’s. Ig’s can remain low for up to 2 years after halting Rtx, so even if people think it’s gone from your system .. it hasn’t in terms of how it’s affecting your cells regenerating, or not.

I don’t think I’ve read of anyone on here on Rtx who has had a good vaccine response, and I’d love to hear so, but many are not wanting to test their antibodies. I’m being monitored for my B’s and T’s and many more tests by a main city, regional immunology centre to try help my hypogamma. I am not allowed to repeat Rtx.

Yes it is advisable on Rtx to try get some vaccine protection but allergic reactions throw a huge spanner as you know. Rtx is definitely not a friend of the Covid vaccines and vice versa. Rtx also blunts the efficacy of the flu and pneumonia vaccines as I also discovered. I wish you luck with your tests.

Sheila_G profile image

I have had 4 jabs but like agedcrone I was ill after first 2 which were astrazeneka, fine after 3rd Pfizer and 2 weeks ago had my 4th which was Moderna. There wasn't a choice. I questioned the safety of having 3 different ones and was told that astrazeneka makes you ill because it has covid in it, albeit deactivated, and Pfizer and Moderna don't and are similar so there is no problem having both. He was right. I was fine after the Moderna too.

bpeal1 profile image
bpeal1 in reply to Sheila_G

I’m pretty sure what you’ve been told is wrong. I know lots of people who had no side effects from AstraZeneca and plenty who had side effects from Phizer. (I volunteered for 9 months in a vaccination clinic). I was slightly ill after my first two Phizer but no reaction at all from the next three.

The AstraZeneca doesn’t contain deactivated covid either (there is a new one that has recently been approved that does but it’s not currently available in the UK). The AstraZeneca vaccine uses an adenovirus (a completely different virus which has been deactivated ) which carries the DNA code for the spike protein. The cells in your body then use the DNA code to make mRNA.

Sheila_G profile image
Sheila_G in reply to bpeal1

Interesting. Thanks for that info. I have friends who have been the opposite to me. I was just passing on what happened to me. I don't know anything about the man who gave me the vaccine (accept that he wasn't wearing a mask whilst injecting vulnerable people, until I asked him too.) He wasn't even wearing an apron or any ID so I don't know if he was an NHS worker or a volunteer.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Sheila_G

I am pleased to hear that Sheila..I’m due my 4th soon…..I’m just about starting to feel my old self after the AZ reactions …& am seriously considering not having it.But as I have no antibodies anyway….is there any point…I’m just waiting for some new test results my haematologist dreamed up…..so we’ll see what they show.

Sheila_G profile image
Sheila_G in reply to AgedCrone

Good luck. I hope you take the vaccine. For me, any side effects are better than getting covid.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Sheila_G

True…but I am fed up with feeling the after effects..I feel now enough is enough…I am starting to feel better & may soon be able to travel…I don’t want to end up back feeling I can hardly go out.

Sheila_G profile image
Sheila_G in reply to AgedCrone

Of course you don't. I understand that. There is always a choice to make and I find that really wearing. I wish sometimes that someone would just say Ok, this is what you have to do, no ifs or buts. I hope you stay well and be able to go on holiday. We all need a break from this wretched virus.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Sheila_G

I am extremely lucky now that the initial moving of staff to Covid duty has eased …. my rheumy department do have more time to listen to people who just don’t know whether to keep on being vaccinated.They are involving haematology & other specialities….in fact I had 6 more blood tests last week…& the phlebotomist joked I won’t have much blood left to test soon…it’s all in the lab!

Sheila_G profile image
Sheila_G in reply to AgedCrone

That's good.

Bookworm55 profile image

My volunteering in a pharmacy vaccine clinic suggests that a lot of comments or objections to specific vaccines (we’ve used AZ, Pfizer and Moderna at various times) seem to be mainly about their possible side effects. This is mostly based on experiences of friends and family and very rarely people do refuse what is being offered as a booster etc. They then have to go elsewhere. I’ve had 2 Az, Pfizer booster and I think my 4th on Saturday will probably be Moderna. Anecdotally the side effects if any seem to be spread among all the different vaccines and doses.

bpeal1 profile image
bpeal1 in reply to Bookworm55

From my experience volunteering in a vaccination clinic I agree that side effects do seem to be evenly spread across the vaccines and doses.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Bookworm55

If you have lived with side effects of any make of vaccine you are naturally going to think twice about having the same again…I had the AZ a second time….& I really regret not standing my ground & refusing it.

I know it is unlikely, but I will refuse it - if it is offered as my 4th jab…but who knows what reaction will occur whatever I have?

It’s all a lottery….& I have never won a penny on one of those!

Bookworm55 profile image
Bookworm55 in reply to AgedCrone

AZ as a vaccine seems to have completely disappeared and was never recommended as a booster as far as I know. The few people who couldn’t have Pfizer or Moderna boosters found it very complicated to get AZ as a booster.Had my 4th jab yesterday - Moderna - so completed the ‘three’ 2 AZs, 1 Pfizer and 1 Moderna.!

allanah profile image

I'm delighted to get a booster of any sort after getting the real thing. Wouldn't like to get it again as still on high steroids as covid caused an acute asthma and ra flare for me!

Hi. I have had 4 Pfizer jabs. No Covid. I have also been ‘super’ careful though. The Israeli studies prefer Pfizer I think. Do check though… brain fog and all that… (I read it yesterday 🙄😂)…

oldtimer2 profile image

I don't care which one I get as long as it works. My immune system needs to be stimulated with a vaccine to protect me from the wild virus. I haven't a clue what the consultant thinks about the vaccines and he has enough to do managing my Rheumatoid Disease.

RAexperiences profile image

I had my fourth shot yesterday. In Canada I was told at the injection centre that moderna is being recommended for the immunocompromsed. The moderna booster is a half dose and the pfiser is a full dose, however in spite if moderna being a half dose, it actually contains more mrna than a full dose of pfiser. That is how the nurse explained it to me yesterday and she showed me a chart outlining the differences. For my third shot moderna was also recommended. Shots 1 and 2 I had Pfiser. Had far greater reactions (vertigo) to Pfiser than moderna. For me, Moderna felt quite seamless…

Briefencounter profile image

I’ve had 5 vaccinations now . 2 AstraZenicas , 1 Pfizer , and 2 half dose Modernas ( 2 x strength of Pfizer , I was told ) . I’m 80 years old and immunocompromised. Fine after AZs , a bit “meh” after Pfizer and Modernas - also after the latest ‘flu vaccine . No covid ( fingers crossed ) and grateful for all the cheerful volunteers , especially the army , who made all this possible with efficiency , kindness and good humour .

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