Hi there I am taking humeria, lefluomid and hdry but the humeria is not working good enough. It only lasts for a week and I need something else for the other week so I am starting Etanercept (benepali) and stopping humeria very soon. I have just seen my rumey nurse and she suggests this. I am constantly in pain and I cannot close my hands as they are so swollen. I have to get up a hour earlier for work just to get my hands working. I get up at 4 am now. As it's nearly the same drug I won't have to have loads of testing done before I start! I cannot get any of my rings on my fingers for the swelling! I am disappointed this drug has not worked and am now going to see how this one works, good news is I only have to wait 2 weeks between my humeria and new drug. I would not have agreed if I had to wait months to start it. It was a good appointment yesterday. I will keep you all informed how it all goes. Hope everyone is well.
Am changing my biological drug: Hi there I am taking... - NRAS
Am changing my biological drug

I'm glad you had a good appointment Carol and hope the Benepali works well for you. 🤞
Shame it wasn't the one for you lovely but maybe Benepali will be " the one" fir you
Benapali worked for for over 12 months. I got too many infections after that.
I’ve been on it 3+ years: works for me, good luck 😉
Hi Carol SOS, my hands had become so bad that I had my car just about to go on the market ( it’s a hefty 4x4 automatic). Then I went on to Benepali and within a very short time my hands, feet and other areas have resorted to nearly normal and I am not now selling my car! The Benepali works exceptionally well in my case and I thoroughly recommend it. I hope you have the same success and wish you all the best.
Hi Carolsos,I am in the throws of changing my biologic too. I have been on Etanercept for seven years and it seems to have stopped working. My rheumatologist is changing mine to Imraldi (Adalimumab). I am so hoping that this works for me. I have had RA for 53 yrs and I have been on various drugs. When in around 2015 when I started Etanercept I thought it was a miracle drug I felt so well but then its affect seamed to wain. Good luck with your change, I am so hoping this change works for me.🤞