Constant finger pain: Hi, Was wondering if anyone could... - NRAS


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Constant finger pain

emmaaaar18 profile image
16 Replies

Hi, Was wondering if anyone could help me please as I am at a loss what to do or even what the problem is.

I have been experiencing pain on my metacarpal head bone on my left hand, The same hand I dislocated my thumb on. I`ve been experiencing it for about 6 months now, It`s constant not on or off. The pain is like a strong dull ache throb, Enough for me to go `Aw` or try and shake it off or for me to wince in pain, I don`t know if it`s connected but I sometimes get pain on the top where the knuckle is too. I have taken tablets for it however I don`t wanna keep having to take tablets to take the pain off so I grind myself through, Thankfully it`s just about bearable. Pain usaually occurs when I curl my hand for example when you curl it inside a pocket, Or when I hold my phone or type, pressure and even when I relax pain occurs, Sometimes it comes out of the blue. It`s only kept me awake at night once, Thankfully not most of the time.

I have seen several people about this, The first being my physio who told me to go to minor injuries, I initially asked them about it because I was getting pain on the side of the metacarpal when I dislocated my thumb however that`s gone. I then went to a minor injuries unit, Who then said to me if the pain still persists after 3 weeks go to the doctors, Well pain did still persist and I went to the doctors who basically did the same thing...Examine it and tell me the same thing that if pain persists come back....I`m at the point again where the pain is just constant and unbearable, But I fear If I go back to the doctors she`ll just dismiss me again. I`ve had this for 6 months and still here in pain. I`m living in pain because I`m scared of being brushed off by doctors.

I`ve had it examined as mentioned, No fractures or breaks were picked up but i`m still not sure what it could be. My thinking maybe a bone bruise? It feels like it`s coming from the bone.

Any idea what I could do as I`m just fed up of it

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emmaaaar18 profile image
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16 Replies
rabbits65 profile image

Go back to your GP and say to her that you’ve had enough waiting to see if it gets better and carry on by saying “ please refer me to a consultant”.

sylvi profile image

I have hand and finger problems and mine is caused by the ra. My middle finger on my right hand is now so solid and the knuckle is now at a stage where i can't bend it. xxxx

emmaaaar18 profile image
emmaaaar18 in reply to sylvi

I guess that rheumtoid arthritus? Yes I hope mine doesn`t get to that stage but I fear it already is. I dunno if it could be trauma from reptitive motions though.

Tourk profile image
Tourk in reply to sylvi

Trigger figure in my thumb and ra in my fingers, it's surprising just how painful it can. And I've got a spinal injury so no stranger to pain. I take strong painkillers for my back and that helps with my hands. I'm used to having to lay in bed but the last few years of not being able to hold things has been rather frustrating.

I've found using a hot wax hand bath helps ease movement and pain, maybe that'll help you.

Herbal remedies work for the pain and movment just not always easy to get hold of.

nomoreheels profile image

Hiya Emma, Only just seen this post! With you actually mentioning Rheumatoid Arthritis (& you being aware this is the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society's HU forum) has your GP ever suggested she checks to see if you have it, or something related autoimmune wise? As a rule the earlier they are diagnosed & meds started the better the prognosis & with you being young that would be my concern. If not, & with this current problem still being an issue 6 months on, I’d request she does, especially if she is being dismissive at your various visits. The primary role of a GP is to take care of their patient's general medical needs & if they can't to refer you to a Specialist who can. A simple blood test would determine if you need to be referred or examined. It's just I’ve noticed from your profile page you've asked a few questions over just short of a year, all loosely related to joint or tendon problems.

I hope you can gather all you have & make an appointment. Patently this pain isn't being relieved & like my old GP used to say, 3 strikes & you're out, in other words if after 3 visits for the same problem she hadn't helped then you're referred to another who is able to. Your GP hasn't been able to resolve whatever it is so time to see who can, or at least test for possible reasons. Don't be frightened of them, they are there to help, or should be. Or, alternatively, ask to see another GP in the Practice, a new pair of eyes may see differently. 😊

emmaaaar18 profile image
emmaaaar18 in reply to nomoreheels

Hi, Thanks for replying. No one has mentioned arthritis to me before or any concerns. From my many searches online I know RA could be one of the problems. I`m hypermobile and I know RA can come from that. Yes, I have asked many questions before starting off with a dislocation of the thumb last January and I remember at the same time that finger opposite the thumb kept hurting alot especially down the side, It`s the same finger as what i`m having knuckle pain on now, I remember I also had dibs and dabs of pain on all across my fingers on the same hand, They`ve all gone including the side pain what remains is the metarcapal head pain although there could be many reasons for this, I have been smacking it against objects alot (As apart of my job), Sometimes it clashes with the other hand so I`m thinking it`s some sort of bone bruise. I wish I could post a photo on here but for some reason they don`t show, But I think there may be a ligament/tendon tear or something because theres a raised bit just under the metacarpal and when you compare it to my other hand it`s visibly different and I when I first did it, it caused some discomfort and pain. However it has been seen by multiple people and they`ve said nothing, I may post a photo see if I can show it. Suprisingly the MH pain has vanished for the last week or so, So it comes on in waves. I think I am gonna book another appointment with her, This is my second time seeing her. Dunno what she will do but I hope it`s one step closer then last time. During the christmas period, When I made this thread the pain was getting too me and I had had enough, Like it suddenly got worse and now it`s quitened down a tad.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to emmaaaar18

You're hypermobile? Has that ever been officially diagnosed by your GP She should have performed the appropriate examination, something called the Beighton Score, & also had bloods taken & imaging to rule out other possible diagnoses. If not then it really should be & an appropriate treatment plan formed to manage it. Hypermobility can be localised (in one or two joints) or generalised (in many or all joints). This might be helpful reading

It does sound iffy with you having dislocated your thumb, the pain you're experiencing & the other things you mention. I'd definitely ask if she'd test you, & if she's not au fait with the condition ask another in the Practice to give a second opinion. You can't continue as you are really can you? The pain doesn't come from nowhere, it is caused by something, even if it's not constant.

Keep in touch, & let us know what your GP has to say.

emmaaaar18 profile image
emmaaaar18 in reply to nomoreheels

It wasn`t diagnosed by my GP but by a doctor at the hospital when I found out I dislocated my thumb, She also did the Beighton score but nothing else was done other then that, Infact I was expecting to have an MRI as I was told either by word of mouth or letter, However that didn`t materialise either. The only scans i`ve had on it was an xray. All that happened was they put it into a splint, Changed the splint x2 and I`ve been having physiotherapy on it since. I`m meant to be having physio this month and it feels like it`s coming to the end now because I`m getting ahead with my exercises i`ve been given, However with the pain i`m still experiencing I dunno if to continue or say that`s enough. I told them about the pain I was getting on my Metacarpal head, Since I thought in my head anyway that it was connected to the thumb since the finger was hurting at the time of the accident but they brushed me off and told me to go to a&e and this is why I started the thread because i`m not getting any help or any answers.

I`m really hesitant about pushing the doctors for answers because I don`t know if it`s me overreacting, or if it`s normal or arthritis. I`m young, I don`t know what arthritis feels like, Should I be experiencing arthritis at my age, Is this pain normal, am I doing something wrong etc I`m still in pain with the actual thumb and all around over the top etc but it`s more of a dull ache so I don`t know if it`s arthritis i`ve not been given any clear answers. The injury itself is a partial dislocation, A sublaxtion so the bone is still visibly popped out and i`m not sure if it`s meant to be like that because it`s partially out of it`s socket and I worry it`s going to come out of it`s socket and become a complete dislocation (Forgotten the name for that) Shouldn`t it be eased back into the socket? I know I had splints just for the pain but not to actually put it back into place. When people have a dislocation they manipulate it back into place, but mines just still their, The same position it was when I had the accident, I can even pop it back in myself physically.

I had a ankle ligament tear two years ago, I didn`t realise at the time I had hypermobility but it all made sense when she told me a year later. I still get pain their too now and that`s not 100%, It`s unstable as I still roll on it. So it feels like I`m being brushed off more then I should be.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to emmaaaar18

I feel you're being brushed off too, possibly due to your age. But everything you mention isn't age-dependent, arthritis can occur at any age, granted usually later but they shouldn’t dismiss it or not follow up. Of course it could have been an oversight, it happens, so I’d start there probably, check why the MRI appointment didn't materialise. It could have been an oversight or decided that an X-ray was all that was necessary (budget cuts ?) but still, if it wasn't thought necessary & that an X-ray would suffice then you should have been informed, then there's no misunderstanding.

Please, if there's something wrong which is causing pain & is ongoing you're not overreacting. As we age we can pretty much expect things to wear out or not be as they were when we were young but you are young, you shouldn't be having the various problems you're experiencing. It's not normal & so should be diagnosed properly & if your GP can't do that then you should be referred to someone who is able to.

I'd start by asking for a blood test to rule out rheumatoid as arthritis has never been mentioned. Your GP should know what to test for but so you know it's Rheumatoid Factor, anti-CCP (not always done by GP but some appear to be doing) & ESR/CRP (inflammation, long term & current), this may be helpful It's either going to rule RD out or not but still absolutely worth doing.

You may benefit from seeing a podiatrist, your ankle ligament will be a weak spot now & you will only continue to experience problems such as you mention.

Let us know how things progress.

emmaaaar18 profile image
emmaaaar18 in reply to nomoreheels

Thank you for your response. I will make a follow up with my GP and see what happens.

I have seen a chiropodist regarding my ankle but all he said was it takes years for this type of injury to heal so I`ve been left stranded with that issue. I guess I just have too continue doing the exercises myself and hope it clears up eventually.

emmaaaar18 profile image

Uploaded photos of the raised bit, Not much to show of the knuckle as it hasn`t got any deformity of any sort.

emmaaaar18 profile image

Mmrr profile image

I've just seen your post too. Nomoreheels gives a lot of useful information. Without going into lots of detail, my GP delayed referring me to a rheumatologist for many months, eventually a private physiotherapist whom I attended suggested that I needed a rheumatology referral and the rest is history as they say.

It might be worth asking your GP directly if you can have a rheumatology referral, if not ask why not.

emmaaaar18 profile image

So, I went to the doctors this morning, Saw the same nurse/doctor I saw last time. I got told that theres no cure for the pain I am having, No surgical procedure would mend it (Knew that), No nothing basically and that I have too live on parcetamol and ibruphuen for the rest of my life to stop the pain. She told me to take the medication and if that doesn`t work go back and she would prescribe me more medication which I really don`t wanna take this route, I don`t like the idea of taking pills everyday. I asked her could it be osteoarthritis and she said it could be, Nothing more was done with that she didn`t seem concerned it could be. She did however manage to book me an MRI, Which was what I was originally meant to have in the first place, The only clanger is that I don`t know how long I will have to wait.

I think what I might do is if the MRI doesn`t show anything, Ask for a referral for tests.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to emmaaaar18

Thanks for letting us know Emma. Good you've an MRI booked. Just a tip with the paracetamol & ibuprofen… both can be good pain relievers with ibuprofen also being an anti inflammatory. They work better taken regularly, stop-starting either or both isn't as effective. You may know this but it doesn’t harm to remind.

emmaaaar18 profile image

I have an update, Unfortanely not a good one.

The hospital declined my request for a MRI and I`ve now been referred to the hand and orthopedic department AGAIN..No idea what they would do. I just can`t be bothered anymore i`m going round in circles and feel like i`m getting no where.

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