Good morning : I have been off the site recently as... - NRAS


36,909 members β€’ 45,613 posts

Good morning

allanah profile image
β€’139 Replies

I have been off the site recently as have quite a few other people.

I have looked through some posts and I feel the general anger and anxiousness in a lot of posts this past few months.

People come on here as they are worried and concerned and increasingly are asking very technical questions , about covid, vaccines and symptoms because they are worried and a lot of times now cannot or don't want to " bother" doctors at this time.

Of course, a lot of times ,we simply cant reply, as we dont know the answers but the lack of kindness and empathy I have noticed is palpable to me as a long term member .

If you get stressed from answering the same questions or posts then please dont, be kind to yourself and have a break.

Also, if I get any negative replies or "trolling" or nasty private messages in future I will simply report these replies.

I've read some angry, sarcastic replies, lots of shouty type capital letter replies. Why has this started , is it lockdown and be reassured I thought long and hard before writing this.

This is a support group for rheumatoid arthritis, I know the pandemic has made people more upset , but please remember the word "support" in your replies, I cannot believe some of the recent ones on here, often from people that do not have RA. 😟

If you want to troll me, go ahead, but in all honesty let's get back in track and help and support all of us who know from our own experiences about RA.

That is what we were good at. Be kind and I hope you all have a good day with little pain.

A xx

Written by
allanah profile image
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139 Replies
sylvi profile image

I couldn't agree more darling.xxxxx

Deeb1764 profile image


Boxerlady profile image

Lovely to see you back πŸ’

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Boxerlady

Thank you , hope you are well and I hope my post above seems sensible.

Deeb1764 profile image
Deeb1764 in reply to allanah

Very sensible x

bubblyalex profile image


I am also on the nextdoor neighbour app and things have recently gone absolutely nuts there with neighbours just being extraordinarily rude... swearing at each other now, belittling, being incredibly offensive... you name it. One thread about Covid jabs now has 200 replies and it is the same 3 people going at each other. Neither willing to step back and not say anything further ... instead hammering their pointless point and in such a fashion it is extraordinary. People are losing the plot IMO across the board. As for here there are times that I read some replies and wonder ... what on earth ... have I misread that (I can be a tad over sensitive πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ)...My latest view to myself ... reply if I am in a reasonable headspace so hopefully won’t make a mistake or upset anyone and don’t if not.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to bubblyalex

Yes, some hurtful things going on across HU and as I read posts here on this generally lovely supportive site for people with rheumatoid arthritis I felt very upset. For people new on here, I feel the pandemic has caused some strange behaviours but be reassured we are here for those who need support with RA. The point is to be kind and supportive .

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to bubblyalex


Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to bubblyalex


Good to have you back allanah missed you XX

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to

Thank you.

bubblyalex profile image
bubblyalex in reply to


Ali_H profile image

Hi Allanah,

Thank you for airing that.... food for thought!

For sure shouting at me won’t help me understand any better.... just gives me a headache on top of the original issues πŸ˜”

I also have been irritated when β€˜off-comers’ have come into our forum to add their penny’s worth to an ongoing debate and then bogging off again.... it didn’t and doesn’t help in my opinion (other opinions are, of course, available!).

The COVID vaccine Qs are repetitive and sometimes I feel we’re living in a giant hamster wheel right now. For these posts I do find that I need to remind myself what it was like at the beginning of my RA journey, the fear, the overwhelming info re meds etc, the realisation of long term illness and the lack of energy to deal with it all..... add COVID into that mix and β€˜flaming heck!’ 😳 So I read and move on as I’ve nothing new to add to the support more robust members are diligently offering (πŸ‘ for the β€˜work’ you kind and caring members are doing in this area right now as I lack the vaccine knowledge and energy to, day in and day out, support others anxious about current COVID issues).

Technical medical Qs and trying not to unduly occupy medical staff time right now is commendable in my opinion (remembering that, Yes! there are other opinions out there) ..... meeting these with gentle compassion and understanding words is sometimes all that’s needed for the poster to feel heard and less alone. Reassurance around what is happening for the poster and about actually going and getting the needed medical support goes along way in absence of hardcore medical advice! (IMO)

Well I think I’d better stop before my essay becomes a dissertation 🀫🀫

Have as fab a day as you can muster...

All the best


allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Ali_H

Have a fab day too x

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Ali_H

β€œBogging off”! Love it. My late Dad used to say bog off when he was occasionally mad! πŸ˜†πŸ’—. It’s true though that some have dropped by with the intention to do this ... πŸ’©πŸ₯„

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Neonkittie17

I thought it meant you buy one you get one free, I said, you buy one you get one freeπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to allanah


allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Neonkittie17

Ha ha

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to allanah


Hi Allanah, I've been absent too for quite a while and I've got to say I'm so relieved you've written this. When I popped in to look at the site last night I was really quite sad and considered leaving for good. I wondered what happened to the lovely supportive group that welcomed me back in 2011 when I joined. I may just stick around for a bit now as hopefully it was just an off day. 😊

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to

Pandemics , we wont let them get to us lol, or will we. No I agree , let's get back to the original pint of NRAS hu. For all of us kind enough to post here , who have RA and personal experience that will support each other. We are a community . πŸ™‚

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to

Me too Paulywoo .. still unsure if I should be here. Had three weeks away and I wasn’t verbally bashed .. just horrified to see it all. 😒 I am naturally supportive so don’t want to go just as you don’t .. so stay!

Garnacha profile image

Totally agree, I'm new to this site and on the whole have had nothing but lovely helpful replies, however, I have noticed a few replies to questions / advice written in capitals or with an ! after a reply, it does make you reluctant to ask a question.

I see this on work e-mails too and always feel like I'm being shouted at, I have replied to one or two of these e-mails asking why are they using ! and which they've replied and apologised πŸ™„ but why use it in the first place.


allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Garnacha

Well lets all be aware before we type , ps I'm no saint !! Oops 🀭 πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Garnacha

Heck Garnacha, I’m guilty of using the exclamation mark, though understand now maybe unwisely in some instances. My usage is generally to add quite the opposite to a sentence, a more cheery way. Nobody has ever questioned it, & I hope the context of the sentence would show that I’m not shouting but maybe I have unwittingly annoyed some with it, I don’t know. I shall reconsider using !


Garnacha profile image
Garnacha in reply to nomoreheels

hahahaha, I think in most cases it's taken in the manner the sentence is written, but I do see some instances where it's used perhaps like - see your GP! not suggesting you did or do this just to show as an example how I personally would read this, like I'm being told off and to contact my GP, but when it's being used to say something like - been waiting months for an appointment! to me that's fine. x

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Garnacha

Yes, exactly, I understand it in that context but I don't intentionally use it this way. Your example is one way I’d use it, almost in exasperation, but in the context of my own experience not in a reply to someone. x

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to nomoreheels

No it's taken as normal, of course but recently I brought it up as I noticed it more in passive / aggressive type posts but hey we are all, I think on the same page . X

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to allanah

Good. Yes, I’ve also noticed this lately, I just wish there was a little more compassion with the situation as it is. I tend to retreat when I feel dodgy as I tend to be irritable, I might be seen as shouty in a reply. You know, how you can be snappy when not too good. We're all in the same boat at the end of the day. x

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to nomoreheels

I use exclamations like you in a cheery way and with humour. I am guilty of using capitals in my post the other day but it was in reference to myself saying I CAN and I WILL, but other than that to emphasise my own feelings, affirmation and determination in respect of my RA. I guess it's down to the context it may be used in or interpreted.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Pippy25

Agreed, it's the angry bold italics or capital or exclamations that I find unnecessary not the general good use of these pointers x

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to allanah

I suppose time to worry is when we are given different fonts to reply in...can't imagine an angry response in Lucidia handwriting, Comic Sans, Rockwell Extra bold or Wingdings xx :-)

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Pippy25


nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Pippy25

✳️ πŸ”†πŸ”½β¬†οΈβ™ΎπŸ”»βž°πŸ—― 🀣

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to nomoreheels


thelmar profile image
thelmar in reply to nomoreheels

Still trying to work out whether this is a hidden message or simply a line of random emojis. (I resisted the urge to add an exclamation mark here). 🀣

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to thelmar


nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to thelmar

Ah, now that would be telling (!) No, it's completely random Thelma. Hope you didn't spend too long trying to work it out? 🧐

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to allanah

If someone types in capitals I don't hold with the reasoning that it's easier. Most keyboards capitalise the first word of a sentence after a full stop by default nowadays.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to allanah

Capitals mean yelling I always thought?

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Neonkittie17

Sometimes, sometimes just emphasis but you can tell by the tone I feel.

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Pippy25

The use of caps like that is acceptable I think Pip, or italicising, emphasises words. I tend to use italics when I’ve copied text, to show they're not my words, then back to normal to add the link.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Pippy25

I often pepper the page with !!s .. But never meant as rude .. as you say it’s humour. x

Garnacha profile image


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜œπŸ˜‚ X

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Garnacha


Green230461 profile image

I fully agree with your comments here.We are all going through a rough time and need support and help otherwise we would not be on this site. Take care and keep well πŸ’

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Green230461

Thank you xxπŸ’“

Pippy25 profile image

Being a Lancashire lass there's a phrase comes to mind 'if in doubt say nowt' :-)

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Pippy25

Yes my scottish mum said, if you cant say something nice say nothing at all xx

in reply to Pippy25

Good one ., x

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Pippy25

Exactly, & why we should help from experience.

nomoreheels profile image

Couldn't have said it better myself E. I'd only add we for some reason have certain groups that have formed, somewhat excluding others from outside them. I've heard this from other members so I’m not drawing conclusions. Some are newer members who maybe haven't understood that's not how this, our NRAS group, works. We don't exclude anyone who genuinely needs help in their RD journey (& other related conditions). It may be so on other forums but it never has here & that saddens me, like you, a long term member who has experience of our site through it's many changes. The one thing we've always been is inclusive. πŸ«‚

Oshgosh profile image

I agree,there is no need to answer every post or to reply..this site is for support.not trolling.l know the same questions can be asked,but this is because people are new to their illness and need help/ support.Stay safe

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Oshgosh

You too xxx

opalfree profile image

Hi Allanah I am so glad you wrote this, because I was thinking the same thing, about how the site has changed and become more aggressive.

I’ve been in the background for awhile reading the posts, liking posts every now again and have always found this a supportive group, but in the last couple of months this hasn’t been the case. With current climate, we all are going through a trying times, so let’s all be kind to each other & treat all with the respect we all deserve!πŸ€—

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to opalfree

It makes me sad to read that but now you are out of your lurking shadows lol (as you said last time) it will be great to have input here. Have a great day x

opalfree profile image
opalfree in reply to allanah

πŸ˜‡Thank you - you too😘

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to opalfree

Lovely to see you Steph, even if it is under strange circumstances. I so agree with you. Take care & stay safe.

opalfree profile image
opalfree in reply to nomoreheels

Yes, this last year has been one we all will never forget. You too take careπŸ€—πŸ˜˜

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to opalfree


allanah profile image
allanah in reply to opalfree

I can imagine telling my grandkids during the pandemic I...ummm...stayed in and watched tv ...πŸ˜‚I didnt do anything brave lol x

Neonkittie17 profile image

Good afternoon Allanah! You speak from my heart too. πŸ’— Exactly why I haven’t been on here so much, as you know. 😒 I did post yesterday that many people are in a panic asking re their meds/vaccine and don’t think to look/don’t research which has been frustrating for some people to see. I know they mean no harm and just come on quickly and ask .. and they didn’t scroll down and see they are one in many asking the same. Maybe they just want some exchange/conversation, too? A friendly word 😍 I also said I couldn’t add any more info re my own med as I had posted all that I knew and made it known I wasn’t ignoring anyone if I hadn’t answered. I wasn’t here much anyhow for the past 3 weeks till yesterday. πŸ’—

I have felt very disheartened re what happened recently and wanted to not be here for the past few weeks, but hope now some distance has passed by that things will be on a more pleasant path.

Yes, lockdown definitely has in general made some people snappy and abrupt as I’m an admin/moderator on a couple of music sites and had to ask people to please be considerate. I’m a very tolerant person so for me to get animated about something is quite rare .. unless it’s abuse/bullying/disrespect, then I’m disgusted. There were a couple of totally disrespectful people last year but thankfully they removed themselves. I am never afraid to speak up if something feels wrong/has a bad vibe, but only to try resolve something amicably. I wonder if some people think as they can’t be seen that it’s fine to be rude as they’ll never be seen? It’s not πŸ˜‘

Yes, hope NRAS can help us direct people better to the answers to typical vaccine/meds questions with a pinned post. Also it would be great if things like the excellent Zoom with James Galloway on the same subject was added. Thank you so very much for that, NRAS admins as it was superb! πŸ’— Saved me a call to my rheumy. No doubt helped so many others too. Sending Hugs to all. xx

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Neonkittie17

Wish I could add more likes Julie. 😘😘

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to nomoreheels

Wheres my 😘??? I could do with one!

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to allanah

Sorry E 😘😘😘 you know I wub you. xxx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to nomoreheels


hatshepsut profile image

Absolutely right. So glad you're back!!!

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to hatshepsut

Oh, thank you , that's nice

essexgirl profile image

Agree. ⛄️

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to essexgirl

It makes me sad but let's hope we are all coming out the other end of some of our stresses x

essexgirl profile image
essexgirl in reply to allanah

Yeah , as you say we are all here for the same reasons and would not like to think some people are afraid to ask incase people are abrupt .., So 🐝 kind

helixhelix profile image

Have I missed something?

Or maybe I have an elephant hide? Or worse have been responsible for writing a post that people have found negative and didn’t even realise it ....eeekπŸ™. If so I didn’t mean it as that’ the last thing I’d want to do...

essexgirl profile image
essexgirl in reply to helixhelix

To be honest we can all write a post and it can be read in a different way to the way it was written

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to helixhelix

Not at all P x

HappykindaGal profile image
HappykindaGal in reply to helixhelix

Haha. That’s what I was thinking too. I’ve never seen anything that’s particularly shouty at all. Some people may be using voice dictation software. That can look perhaps a bit shouty as it can often be very long sentences too without much punctuation.

It all depends on the mood the reader is in too. Perception changes dependent on how someone is feeling so two people will read something completely differently and interpret it differently.

Im not sure any of us should be judge and jury though for what people put. It should be left to the admins otherwise people will be fearful of putting anything in the end and it will become a small group of people in an echo chamber.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to HappykindaGal

After my recent experience I will press report instead of licking my wounds , I think a lot of people, judging by the replies on this post , will do so too x

Brychni profile image
Brychni in reply to helixhelix

I was thinking the same thing! πŸ˜†

allanah profile image

May I add, this post is for our group members only, not for anyone else. I think that would be wise xx nighty night all xx

medway-lady profile image

I admit I've not seen anything but then again I've probably just scrolled over a lot of stuff. I suppose its fear in these dark days and I admit since Christmas this lockdown has been hard. I'd imagine a lot feel that its been a long wet winter and being unable to get out has been difficult and the nightly news is very depressing. I no longer watch the late news as it is on my mind at bedtime. So yes let's all be understanding of the nature of a disease which has in impacted on us our loved ones and friends. It's an emotional toll as well as a physical one so let's all pray or hope for better times, more patience and safer times ahead.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to medway-lady

Well i hope you have a lovely comfy sleep tonight xx

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to allanah

I shall as watching Call the Midwife on Netflix. xxx lol

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to medway-lady

Lovely. I'm on horror movies πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Dspooky01 profile image
Dspooky01 in reply to allanah

Hansel & Gretel? Well it is a horror story if you’re a gingerbread man πŸ˜‚.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Dspooky01

Oh I havent checked in, I'm looking ...

essexgirl profile image
essexgirl in reply to allanah

Cricket highlights for me πŸ˜ƒ

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to medway-lady

Agree totally about the news before bedtime isn’t a good idea. Could be the antibiotics I’ve been taking, but I dreamt my late Mum was preparing to give me the vaccine. 😳 Mind you that would not have happened as she wasn’t too great with needles even though she would have her flu shot etc but the news weighing heavy on my mind late at night can make me have strange dreams. I’ve started to listen to soft classical piano music on my iPod in bed to go to sleep with or listen to it on the music system before I go up. I nod off sooner with music than without,

Amy_Lee profile image

I did read a few posts related to the vaccine and I skipped many since there are a lot of different opinions. I didn’t reply any as I didn’t have the experience personally.

After reading some posts, I decided to refer to my rheumy when the time comes, at this moment I just don’t want to stress myself over it. However I think I missed those very rude posts hence not sure what had happened.

Agree that this is the RA support group, many sufferers who need help during their flare, we should focus to share our own experience to help others.

Ruth12345 profile image

I've been quiet for couple of months allanah, as found things had changed. I just read the odd post now and yours got read.

Have a good day you lovely people

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Ruth12345

Glad to hear from you now xx

auldreekie2 profile image

Hello Allanah, you are 100% right, we are all going through this unknown journey just now, and people being nasty to one another does not help.I thought maybe some people might have mad cow disease as wellπŸ˜‚.

Come on people help one another.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to auldreekie2

Lol. I was one of the first to get swine flu. That was horrid , but they had tablets for it then xx 🀧

Brychni profile image
Brychni in reply to auldreekie2

My neighbour ( I live in a tiny hamlet in the middle of nowhere) has gone full Q Anon. Not even joking.She collared my husband over the gate and said Trump was the only person who could save us from the 'illuminati' etc etc. I then overheard her pleading with her daughter on the phone (in the garden) to listen to her...lizard people, the whole lot. She believes covid is a hoax. she even did a one-woman demonstration in town during the summer with a placard and everything.

I wonder if she knows that all this rubbish is rooted in antisemitism and white supremacy? My husband thinks that she's gone mad from isolation. She's moving abroad next week. I find it all a bit scary.

HanaleiBa profile image

Thank you for this. I am fairly new to this site, but get daily email updates and have benefited from some great info sharing. I thought to reciprocate recently and....was the victim of a troll who left several comments on my post to members. Out of the blue and with no context of my own experience and missing the point I was making. My response? β€œLesson learned - I’ll never post here again.” I normally stay off social media for this reason. But, I also got mostly comments saying I’d helped people, and I do need to remember the good that came from my own good intentions. The nice comments made my month :). And, I know the troll is famous for her sharp comments on this site. Still...I haven’t been on since and miss the good info. I may wait a bit more - I don’t need strangers to spin me up during such a tough time.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to HanaleiBa

Well next time press the report button, I find admin very helpful .

Sheila_G profile image

My first post for several months but just want to say Well done Allanah! I agree entirely. Stay safe everyone.xx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Sheila_G

Glad you are back Shiela and hope you are well xx

Sheila_G profile image
Sheila_G in reply to allanah

Thanks Allanah. Not ready to come back just yet but wanted to congratulate you on suggesting what needs doing. xx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Sheila_G

Well , here for you , pm if you prefer 😍

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Sheila_G

Good to hear you are back Sheila xx

Bopeep12 profile image

Well said

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Bopeep12

Thank you, glad you are here x

Wobbies profile image

Well said. Beautifully put.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Wobbies

Thank you, glad you agree x

cropredy profile image

Well said Allanah, couldnt agree more.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to cropredy

Thanks , as they said in the sound of music , let's start at the very beginning ....

auldreekie2 profile image

Hello I’m back again giving you my tuppence worth, do not let them win, stay on the site all of you that is thinking of leaving or staying away for a while, you don’t let bullies or nasty people win.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to auldreekie2

It seems we are mainly in agreement , have a lovely Saturday everyone . I'm watching rugby, shame it cant be in the pub with my friends , but soon I hope 😍

auldreekie2 profile image

I’m watching it as well this afternoon, come on scotland πŸ΄σ §σ ’σ ³σ £σ ΄σ ΏπŸ‰.It’s another rainy day, forecast is for snow later on. X

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to auldreekie2

They have been on the up havent they. When Scotland is playing we support Scotland as I was born there ( my son used to play for them ,) but as my hubby is English we support england when they play , however when its Scotland v england ..... it's all for ourselves πŸ˜‚

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to allanah

We won !! Woo . Sorry english fans we just dont get to say that very often !

bubblyalex profile image
bubblyalex in reply to allanah

Shhhhh lol πŸ˜‚

bubblyalex profile image
bubblyalex in reply to allanah

Sorry could help but say that... I am smarting from a very poor show my our boys. πŸ™„πŸ₯°

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to bubblyalex

Just made Scoylands jib easier . The wales v Ireland match was very exciting

bubblyalex profile image
bubblyalex in reply to allanah

Lol yes that it did although Scotland did play very well. A more interesting game to watch was the Wales v Ireland wasn’t it... Italy... what can I say πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ˜Š

lilley22 profile image

Well said Alannah. It's the reason I decided to give this site a miss for a while. It only takes one 'negative' answer to have a negative effect on the questioner. One of the reasons could be that bullies (I'll use that word for want of another) or know-alls can attract a fan base. Folk who enjoy seeing others being put down or humiliated (perhaps). Equally it could simply be thoughtlessness. A person's 'way'. I don't think that's an excuse for rude behaviour.

Well done for bringing subject up.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to lilley22

Glad you are back x

Stowe profile image

Oh Allanah, that's sad that some people have been posting negative messages especially privately to you, that's not on, I know alot of us are feeling anxious and sad, but your right we're here to support. I hope your Saturday goes well, I had my Vaccine yesterday so not feeling so good today, big achy but I think I've got mild symptoms so I'm lucky. Take care and look after yourself x

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Stowe

Glad you had your vaccine , rest up x

Stowe profile image
Stowe in reply to allanah

Hello Allanah, thank you, i am taking it a bit easier today, but keep thinking of all the things i should be doing, ha ha ha maybe I'll do a few things then sit and rest. 😁 have a good Saturday yourself. X

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Stowe

I know I damaged my knee back in october , waiting on mri results then hope I can move about again!

Stowe profile image
Stowe in reply to allanah

Oh no, I hope it's not painful, you definitely have a reason to sit and have a relaxing day. X

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Stowe

Yeah had a bad time recently, lost two friends in their 30s one to a sudden heart attack on jan 1st then one a couple of weeks ago my mate who was fit but got covid , they think his wife got it working , he ventilated but didnt make it . The on line funerals are a good idea. So yes, rough few months really x so a nice day watching rugby will be good. Though I have binged watched Vikings and Brigerton πŸ˜‚

Mumcon profile image

Well said xx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Mumcon

Glad you agree x

Mumcon profile image
Mumcon in reply to allanah

Totally xx

Ros23 profile image

I agree Allanah, life is challenging enough. On a positive note I received a txt yesterday and receiving the Covid vaccine tomorrow afternoon. I am on mtx and imraldi Injection’s so hoping not to feel any side effects. Hv a lovely day everyone πŸ™

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Ros23

Good news Ros x

Happy5 profile image

Good shout πŸ‘

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Happy5

Thanks x

Typsey profile image

Well said AllanahI don’t post much on the site but I always read the posts and get lots of helpful info . This is what the site is for to help and assist all us fellow sufferers. Thank you to everyone who have shared their experiences and knowledge.. if I can help or answer anything then I will do otherwise I stay in the background but I still share The ups and downs with everyone. Stay safe everyone and hoorah for the vaccine . πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Typsey

Be great to get your input too x

GolffanaticBob profile image

Thank you for pointing this out. Quite unnecessary some of the comments being made.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to GolffanaticBob

Cheers x

Yoga4me profile image

Well said! Thank youπŸ˜ƒ

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Yoga4me

Glad you agree

Whitegate profile image

Yes, Miss

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Whitegate

Do I sound like a teacher πŸ˜€

Brychni profile image

That's sad; I personally haven't experienced any nastiness and have always had helpful and compassionate replies to my queries. It's early days for my 'disease' and so I can't offer much support to others as I'm still in the dark myself but try to help where I can.Can't imagine why anyone would feel the need to write an angry private message - probably best to ignore them.

This site has been a Godsend for me, I've learned more about the condition from here than I have from the medical professionals - although most have been pretty good.

Unfortunately, when bogged down in migraine mode it's difficult to engage and by the time I've recovered I've missed the opportunity to reply. I'm active on the migraine section too!

Hopefully you won't have any more trouble. xx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Brychni

Hope you feel better soon x great having you here

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