Yesterday, I received a text from NHS Coronavirus Service, to say I’ve been identified as someone who may be at high risk!! I’ve been shielding since mid March! You know when you’ve used all your toothpaste, but you roll it up and just manage to squeeze that last little bit out???.... that’s me! 😂🤣
Government text: Yesterday, I received a text from NHS... - NRAS
Government text

Well glad to hear you got a text telling you something you have been doing since March! Not so glad to hear you are down to the wire with your toothpaste though, do you have ways of getting any more?
It's good to hear that you took your own decisions about what you needed to do. The only problem is if you need help with delivery slots etc.
It appears that it has been difficult to identify some people who are risk because their medical notes have been incorrectly coded or the people doing the searching for the relevant information have missed some people. If you haven't been contacted and need to have official notification for work or assistance then you can contact your GP or Rheumatology Department, but I know that hasn't always been easy for people particularly early on when this was a new idea.
I had one also on Thursday saying the same thing. I also had another one today asking if I live with others and informing me that I have to stay 3 steps away from others, use a different bathroom if I can (but I can't) what to clean and how to clean - I am not a child and I can think for myself when it comes to cleaning my home! I'd already spoken to the Gov. Helpline last week twice and was told the first time to ring my GP and ask why I had not had a letter from them, which I did and the second time I spoke to a different person who asked me some questions and said that I would not here from them again now that they had spoken to me. Then a few days later got a text from the Medical Centre telling me that my GP has assessed my notes and that I did not meet the criteria for categorising as a high covid risk and that I would not receive a shielding letter (I didn't ask for a shielding letter and I don't need a shielding letter). It's all so here, there but nowhere now, it's just crazy! 🙃🙃🙃
You’ll get another text now saying to ask friends to take the rubbish out. I asked mine in north Norfolk who surprisingly didn’t fancy a 30 mile round trip to take my rubbish four steps from the door 😂😂😂😂😂
Hahaha yes I had that text last week too. I told my husband that I can’t put the rubbish out. Thankfully I’ve not been doing that for years anyway.
Yes, I did get another one this morning asking if I need a repeat prescription and if so to order via the online NHS App (not a chance) or the GP's online services - never heard of it, my scripts go electronically via my GP anyway straight to the pharmacy and have done for a long time now. It advises me to ask family, friends or neighbours to pick it up and deliver it to my door and leave it outside. My family, like yours, would have a round trip of 40 miles and my friends have their own selves to look after. Oh, it also told me how to wash my hands after contact with anything from outside and then apply moisturiser. For goodness sake. 😡