Feeling shivery cold after rituximab - had infusion f... - NRAS


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Feeling shivery cold after rituximab - had infusion four weeks ago and am feeling very cold and shivery - anyone else feel like this ?

beachbabe profile image
13 Replies

Feeling cold shivery and very tired after having rituximab infusion - anyone else feel like this ?

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beachbabe profile image
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13 Replies
Lolabridge profile image

Hi Beachbabe

I've not had that after any of my infusions and I'm sorry that you are feeling like that. Was it your first infusion of Rituximab?

Those symptoms sound more like a cold/flu coming on to me but I'm no medic. I think you should seek medical advice. If you start to run a temperature don't hesitate.

beachbabe profile image
beachbabe in reply to Lolabridge

It wasn’t my first one - what with the lockdown I’m not going outside the house but in the garden a lot of the door so perhaps, as you say, I’ve caught a chill - thanks for your help .

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to beachbabe

I feel extremes of alternating temperature especially at night/sleeping just after Rituximab. Could be the IV steroid given just prior to the infusion re the flushes. Hope it disappears and you feel back to how you should. x

Vonnie10 profile image
Vonnie10 in reply to Neonkittie17

Kit aren’t them steroid short acting we have with the ritx ?

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Vonnie10

Yes they are short acting for me too but they always give me the face flush and hot at night after a joint injection or when it’s with the Rtx, but it only lasts a night. (I can get hot at night due to Fentanyl patches and my hormones too!)

charisma profile image

Hi beachbabe

I had my first infusions Dec 10th and 24th 2019.

By Jan 1st, I was sneezing, having bad headaches, fatigue, with flushes and chills too. Temp normal.

These symptoms, and others (rash, swelling of lower lip area, ear pain, pins and needles all over or concentrated in specific joints) have continued.

I am also on Prednisolone, slowly tapering. And I restarted Methotrexate on low dose seven weeks ago, to anchor the biologic.

I spoke to my Rheumatologist about three weeks ago and was advised to take antihistamines for two weeks, to see if symptoms would diminish and stabilise. After stopping, they had diminished.

But now returned. I hope you can speak to yours very soon, describe everything you are experiencing, and get some guidance as to what to do. And check your temp!

beachbabe profile image
beachbabe in reply to charisma

Right - it’s interesting to hear how other people are coping - I’ve been having infusions for about 3 years but feel especially odd this time - as you say chills, flushed but no high temp, in fact it’s quite low - 35 degrees - I will ring rheumatology next week and see what they say.

I’m taking an antihistamine as my skin gets itchy - I am spending a lot of time outside I the garden because of the lockdown I’m staying in as much as possible - so perhaps I’m just doing too much outside In the cold ??

AgedCrone profile image

I always feel very cold during and just after my infusions but it passes off the next day.

I’m the one who turns up mid summer with a thick blanket & warm socks,

Do you feel better after a few days?

If so I’d say feeling a bit chilly might be worth tolerating if your RA comes under control.

Do you have Hay fever.......these last couple of weeks the pollen count has been the highest for 70 years...maybe a bit of an allergy?

Try speaking to your rheumy nurse.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to AgedCrone

Interesting re the very high pollen levels. I don’t get hay fever as such but my eyes have felt itchy and my sinuses have gone mad.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Neonkittie17

Does your throat itch inside & out?

I have been sounding really gruff.....but the rain seems to have cleared the air & I haven’t taken antihistamines the last couple of days.

But I’ve had quite bad hayfever for the first time in quite a few years.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to AgedCrone

No, my throat is fine. No itching. I don’t have classic hay fever thank goodness or suffer like some people do. (I’ve enough silly food and meds allergies!) It seems more than a coincidence though each time I’ve read, or someone tells me the pollen count is very high, I’ve been rubbing my eyes and my sinuses have been very blocked then streaming. I hope you taking your antihistamines works if you need to. That and the rain. We had a hailstorm yesterday and cool nights down to 6 or 7 degrees so glad I haven’t planted my seeds yet after they warmer spell last week.

cathie profile image

Where are you? I’m in Scotland and am unlikely to get rituximab before next year because of the virus.

Leics profile image

I’ve been like you although not had a retuximab infusion. I was very cold in bed the other night and then the next day had a streaming cold no temperature though. I’m taking antihistamines again every day because the mucous has gone to my upper chest and is making me cough like crazy. I feel ok in myself but I’m worried my chest infection which I’ve had 3 times in the last 6 months will come back. Every time I seem to get rid of it it comes back again. I’m pretty sure it’s allergy, although hay fever doesn’t always bother me. I had a really bad attack of hay fever a few years ago I thought I had the flu because it put me in bed and I couldn’t breathe or do anything finally a doc said it would take probably a week of high strength antihistamines to clear it and make me feel better but boy was I ill with it so it’s not something to be taken lightly. Keep your eye on it take hay fever pills and seek help if you don’t feel better in a week.

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