Why don’t people get it????: On my local neighbours... - NRAS


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Why don’t people get it????

70 Replies

On my local neighbours what’s app group these following questions-were asked.

1) yesterday... isn’t it a beautiful day all we need is an ice cream van does anyone know one that will come down our street.

2) just now ... anyone know a mobile barber working and who will come to the house. My hair needs a trim.

🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️ I JUST DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND SOCIAL DISTANCING.. there really is no help. These people are educated

70 Replies
pat66 profile image

Common sense cannot be taught to some, sigh. Yet if they do become ill what health care service will they go crying too do you think?!?!

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to pat66

Exactly, it is so sad.

Philip profile image

Spot on. The Police turned into a big park my amount that came off the park was incredible, sad today but they don’t share any brain cell between them lol.

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Philip

It is so sad it really is.

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to Philip

Was my daft sister there? 🙄

Philip profile image
Philip in reply to Philip

The Army will be on patrol very soon they will enforce the law because they don’t have the Police 👮‍♂️ officers to cope with it.

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Philip

I really hope it doesn't come to that but if people still continue to go against the measures put in place what options will they have. People think it is bad, boring and hard enough now but if no one was allowed out at all things will only get worse. Let's hope people listen. Take care

Paula-C profile image
Paula-C in reply to Philip

Don't think the army will pussy foot around the offenders, they won't take the abuse that police officers face everyday.New laws should be brought in, the punishment got to fit the crime. Saw a video online of idiots shouting at the police because it was suspected they were having visitors.

There must be buildings somewhere empty with loads of rooms in. Stick them in there for a couple of weeks with a blanket, a pillow, couple of bottles of water and a loaf of bread per day a bucket for a toilet. Let them out once a day to slop out. I'm sure there would be big burly men queuing to volunteer to keep an eye on them. They'll soon get the message not to do it.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Philip

That is what I said .. troops! It isn’t too harsh .. these flouters/offenders need to be stopped.

Mmrr profile image

A care worker was standing talking to two people in my wee square today, all three up close, nowhere near 2 metres away from each other.

Several visitors in and out of elderly peoples homes too. I despair.

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Mmrr

It's like people think if I'just' go here, visit or do, as if they are the only one doing it, but unfortunately there are a lot of people 'just' doing the same and there is no point in trying to bend the measures put in place as it defeats the object and has potential serious consequences.

Philip profile image
Philip in reply to Pippy25

I have to travel to my wife’s house and my beautiful Daughter Once or twice because she does my shopping and so I can see her. My mobility scooter with a lovely canary and that covers completely lol keeps the rain off too lol, I’m not allowed to go into any shops or supermarkets, and that’s because I am on the on high risk because of my other illnesses and I have Dementia RA DIABETES SO ON. Life can be shit but it if your positive it makes things Rosy. Lol

Philip profile image
Philip in reply to Philip

Live in a sheltered accommodation, we, as in other residence come and go throughout days and the only peeps allowed in is handy men and carers, no relatives allowed in unless emergency 🚨 I meet my wife and daughter outside at a distance it’s been almost 4 weeks since we had a hug, when this is all over with I’m not going to let her go lol she is only 9 and she is my life, my dementia is cruel.

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to Mmrr

Crazy! They are all over, drives me nuts.

Bash head against a brick wall!

Pippy25 profile image

I don't get it either and I posted the following example of this earlier on in Crashdolls post, which was as follows;

People sadly to say are still not fully taking this on board and I was ashamed to see last night the place where my family home of 50 years is which I have never known to be anything other than quiet, for one and a half hours until the police (whose station is a few hundred yards away) turned up and broke up what I can only describe as a street dancing disco. A guy who from what they were streaming on social media formerly a DJ had decided to fling open his windows and was asking people to enjoy having a dance, which not only attracted people out of their houses but was attracting others from the neighbouring streets. Most of the people in this place did not come out but others heard the noise and came and were standing in the road dancing away with their drink. I was so upset and absolutely appalled and even more appalled to read comments from this site they were posting on saying we should do this every night! 'Boogy on down' and all the other stupid comments as if it were funny. Clearly the message is not getting through. So when we say about our NHS it's the likes of these people who clearly don't care are adding to the current pressure and strain.

This is not some form of Easter Bank Holiday 'celebration' or 'party in the park' (street) weekend we are in serious times here and one moment of sheer stupidity like this will have the capacity to have a potential impact on life. makes me laugh as the same guy hasn't yet been out to clap on a Thursday to show his gratitude for those on the front line, yet he claims when he was shouting over his mike that this was for all those stuck indoors! Where they should be mate....indoors and not giving the NHS any more patients to save. Words fail me.

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to Pippy25

It sickens me. Those people CHOOSE to act like that. Yet when they get sick they IMPOSE themselves on burnt out NHS staff who did not go to a street dance or have the opportunity to relax with friends. They have been working tirelessly and the more CV-19 patients they have, the more the risk that they will get sick themselves and possibly die.

The NHS puts their lives on the line for idiots who choose to behave like that. The idiots could be sensible and stay inside, but no, they have to do what they want and who cares if it affects anyone else, yet the idiots still clap for the key workers on a Thursday. Nice. Totally hipocritical.

My family are currently working in critical care. My neighbours are doing similar things to yours. It infuriates me.

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to happytulip

I was speechless and upset at the same time as in the 50 years my family have been here never have I seen the likes. We would get told off as children if we were playing in the street back then.....a bit of harmless fun.... yet these idiots think it's ok to stand in the street and potentially infect it's population! My heart goes out to your family who are working in critical care....my total respect to them.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Pippy25

I think drink and drugs play a roll in many people with this selfish don't give a dam mind-set. Not only when they are actually under the influence like the idiots were where your family home is, but for many their brains are permenantely addled due to excessive use of drink and drugs.

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to wishbone

I was so upset wishbone and was so glad that my dear dad wasn't hear to witness this as we have never experienced anything like this before and the fact it was being put on social media and my cousin knew about it who lives in a neighbouring town! All these (mainly young girls/women) dancing in the road with not a care whooping like it was some kind of festival. It really was awful, yet they will be the first should anything happen on the NSH doorstep and it begs the question should numbers rise and decisions sadly have to be made, would they be prioritised over the likes of me? A horrible thought but would they given their age (irrespective of their stupidity) versus my age and health be prioritised if this was the situation? I wished these people would wake up as this virus is not done with us yet and as much as I don't want to sound doom and gloom I just would like people to sit up and think. Take care and good to hear from you wishbone

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Pippy25

Unfortunately they would almost certainly be given prority. Along with a Covid 19 test in hospitals there should be another test for irresponsibility. Those who proved positive could then be placed at the back of the que for treatment.

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to wishbone

It truly saddens me their behaviour.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Pippy25

Me too.

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to Pippy25

Appalling - out of curiosity which region of the U.K. are you in?

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Fruitandnutcase

Lancashire x

pat66 profile image

Along with fines a spell of self isolating in a police cell.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to pat66

Taizors and teargas

pat66 profile image
pat66 in reply to Neonkittie17

Only if the don't get treatment from over worked NHS staff

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Neonkittie17

Jeepers Nk, that's a bit extreme. A good squirt or three of pepper spray first surely!

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to wishbone

You’ve not seen what’s going on round here. That is what I’m thinking ahead could and maybe happen not what I personally would do but they need some stronger measures as they are a big reason it’s taking time to control.

Football matches being organised amongst these morons in parks.

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Neonkittie17

Morning Nk, I should have added a smiley, :-)

At the moment I can't see the police using a water pistol let alone anything else...it just wouldn't be British would it! The number of people they have fined to date is abysmal, and how big is the fine...£30 or something!? :-O Now that's what I call a deterrent............................................ not!

With the UK heading for the top of the European death toll, I do wonder what current government strategy is, that's if they have one.

rabbits65 profile image

Down my road one couple are selling plants in their front garden, another in the same road is selling his woodwork in his front garden, bringing the community feel is very nice but no good for this social distancing is it.

Stayloose profile image

Do you think these people are actually serious or just asking tongue in cheek? An ice cream van or haircut feels aspirational but clearly ridiculous. Going by the responses to your post your neighbours might have been serious. 🙄

Esmereld profile image

Beggars belief doesn’t it

Lizard28 profile image

I totally agree with you, I just don’t understand them. I was in garden attempting to paint the fence when I looked over and saw a car with three bikes on roof and car full of children. Yes, it’s Easter and we are all finding it hard but I thought this is not on, they have been told not to travel unless it’s nescessary. On the other hand, I take my hat off to this man who is trying to make a living and is delivery coffee and drinks to houses, you order it, pay online and leaves it on the doorstep, no contact taking place. She says he is very busy with her estate alone. He has one of those coffee vans and is obviously struggling as he would have had no customers. He is taking all the precautions. I just couldn’t believe it when she told me. Not sure if I totally agree this is necessary or not but I guess we are still getting takeaways getting delivered as well. Stay safe everyone x

gradyjackjacob profile image

One of my neighbours had all her grandchildren playing on a trampoline in the garden,i did.nt know there were so many dullards about.

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to gradyjackjacob

Unfortunately there seem to be!

sylvi profile image

Bloody idiots.xx

springcross profile image

As my old boss used to say, there's nowt as queer as folk!

in reply to springcross

I like queer folk springcross they tend to be eccentric ( bit like myself 😁) it’s the armed and dangerous.. armed with no brain .. dangerous because they are so self-centred

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to

Sadly true

Paula-C profile image

My next door neighbours elderly parents keep visiting them several times a day, (they live very near.). They've got children and what sort of message is that sending out to them when we've repeatedly been told not to visit our families? I'd love to see my grandchildren but I know I can't. 😩

Lina282 profile image

Educated? Lol it doesn't matter!

People are stupid and they only feel how social distancing is important if they get ill or their loved ones get the virus and they need intensive care.

Some people need to learn in a hard way.... and life will teach them! These type of people can't learn otherwise ...unfortunately.

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Lina282

Not in my back yard....until it is in their back yard and then it's help me.

Lina282 profile image
Lina282 in reply to Pippy25

Yes of course.

Sheila_G profile image

....or not!

ruth_p profile image

Our over the road neighbours had chairs out on the pavement for their visitors to sit on yesterday! And our next door neighbour has had her grown up children round every weekend since lockdown. I have also seen the ice cream van a couple of times too.

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to ruth_p

I would have thought an ice cream van is a non essential service, but hey I know nothing these days! :-) Shifting of goal posts comes to mind with these measures.

JFlay profile image
JFlay in reply to ruth_p

Our weekly fish & chip van is still coming, it sits on the closed pub's car park for 4 hours, 3 people inside serving 🙄

pat66 profile image
pat66 in reply to JFlay

Under normal circumstances a fish and chip van is genius but now at this time not a key worker surely?!?

JFlay profile image
JFlay in reply to pat66

Food supply I suppose? You can ring your order through ahead of them coming, or order at the van and they give a collection time. Personally I don't like their chips so have stayed clear!

pat66 profile image
pat66 in reply to JFlay

A treat every so often would be alright I won't tell haha

in reply to pat66

Agree pat66 everyone is at home all day obviously not shopping as I can’t get an online slot so why can’t they cook by the time you’ve qued up for order you can have a meal on the table. BLOODY IDLE. I can’t stand up for long these days as meds aren’t working but always manage a meal for the family nothing elaborate but 15-20 mins a nutritious meal

pat66 profile image
pat66 in reply to

I agree half a job if you ask me haha. A home cooked meal wins in my book as long as you can get the supplies.

Philip profile image

Send a piccy and I’ll tell ya,


mikefox profile image

We are a nation full of idiots and snowflakes. Too many people think that they can do exactly what they like. No respect for teachers, police, doctors and nurses. Or neighbours. It's funny watching the news and they show deserted streets in London or at the seaside, giving the impression that everyone is following the rules. The BBC should bring it's cameras down my road. I suspected that some of my neighbours were morons. This confirms it.

Bionic1 profile image

O dont start me off . I've been shouting at the tv all weekend because people seem to think it's ok to put a blanket down in the park & enjoy the day 😫 I ve got a family I'm missing would love to give my Mum the biggest cwtch (hug) but because of the idiots out there it's going to take alot longer to get this virus under control. Sorry rant over 😁

in reply to Bionic1

Oh rant away ... I’ve been doing it all weekend... the knock on effects is non ending.. will nursing staff have been redeployed it means our treatment and appointments are effected. Then we have to catch up ...

wishbone profile image

A few days ago my wife was busy painting the backgate, under my supervision of course, ;-) when my next door neighbour's bozo of a son suddenly appeared from out of their garden shed, and starts coughing and spluttering about 2 metres from her. I shouted for her to move away from him bit sharp then asked him in no uncertain terms if he if he had the flippin' virus, I used a similar but stronger term than that, but he didn't so much as glance in my direction and ambled toward his house still coughing his lungs up. We were not very happy to say the least!

The fella is half soaked and has only moved in since the lockdown started as he lives elsewhere but has had to move out because his sister is at risk with diabetes. He goes in the garden shed to smoke his weed and as he's still wandering around in his usual stupor, I think it was probably a hit from whatever he was smoking that made him cough. Still, I'll be glad to see the back of him when he eventually returns to his former abode.

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to wishbone

🤣😂🤣 aww wishbone, I'm laughing because I can picture in my mind what you are saying 😂

It's not funny for you and your wife though living next to dopey!

What a nightmare. Sure that pink moon wasn't a full moon too! It makes some loony!


wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Shalf

When I asked him if he had the ******* virus, I was half expecting him to say...what virus is that then? :-O Intead he ambled off still coughing like a good 'un. Come to think of it he was probably coughing too much to answer me. Either that or my mean tone of voice put the fear of god into him, but I somehow doubt that. :-)

Anyway, I can see the funny side now, so understand how you found it amusing. :-)

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to wishbone

So you still don't know if he has it? You couldn't write the script eh!

I wonder what is between people's ears sometimes. 😳

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Shalf

It was 4 days ago, I saw him this morning and he seems ok, physically anyway. I pray he hasn't got it or it could well be bye bye sweet world for me. :-O

It does make you think though... I've been self isolating for 5 weeks now and my wife for 4. We take every possible precuation and it could all end up a complete waste of time and effort due to one unforseen act of stupidity. Now where did I put that old hand grenade of mine!............

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to wishbone

😂😂 it's like something out of a cartoon! Don't blow yourself up wishbone! pmsl

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Shalf

I had a spell in army back in the 60's. I only lasted 10 weeks as I missed my mam so bought myself out. Although I just missed out on hand grenade training, I still managed to pinch one from the armoury, and I do have a some idea how to throw it correctly. That said, of more concern are my RA damaged shoulders so at best I'll only be able to toss the thing a few yards. Still that should be good enough to lob one through the shed window and give me time to duck down behind the garden fence. :-)

in reply to wishbone

Teflon is the name for theses people nothing sticks even..... no I won’t say it just in case of karma . 😂😂I’m sure it was a fine cuss

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to

It twas at that J1. :-)

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to wishbone

This guy must be a relative of the mutant who lives next door to us. Weedhead. Can’t prove it but I know he’s dealing if too.

Bionic1 profile image

The more I read about this the more steam comes out of my ears 🤬😤

RAreyna profile image

I'm in the US, in the California Bay Area. We adopted shelter in place rules around March 13th and have succeeded, so far, in flattening the curve. California has, in general. That said, only half or so of the people I see on my rare trips out are wearing masks and no one exercises with masks, even though they're breathing harder and moving faster.

My stepson's birth mother lives in Texas and one of their neighbors just had a crawfish boil in their backyard and invited a big crowd! As if we aren't leading the world in CV19 deaths! I never will understand my country.

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