Webinar yesterday - link - 'Being Diagnosed with Rh... - NRAS


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Webinar yesterday - link - 'Being Diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis'

Hezekiah profile image
4 Replies

I just wanted to post a link to yesterday's webinar, which I have just watched again.


I thought Dr James Galloway did a superb job, in outlining many facets of Rheumatoid, covering a huge amount of ground in a sane and sober way. He seems very knowledgeable, thoroughly prepared and at ease with his topic, and a good presenter as well.

I see that others including NorfolkBluebell have already referred to it, (she said "excellent" and I would agree). I'd also like to say that I think it is suitable for any RD sufferer as it covers the ground so well.

It's light on pain and also drug treatments, except for Methotrexate.

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Hezekiah profile image
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4 Replies
lawra profile image

Thanks for posting this, I was looking out for a link x

AgedCrone profile image

Yes it was a good clear introduction to Rheumatoid Arthritis.

For the newly diagnosed he gave honest comments on diet & how the best way forward is to start on the drugs prescribed by your rheumatologist as soon as possible.

I believe the next Webinard is on 4 April.... It is well worth registering to watch it.

Summerrain14 profile image

Thanks so much for posting this link. Started watching a bit of it and will continue watching the rest when I am not so tired. Already feeling so much better informed. Really interesting chat about mental health and diagnosis. I am fairly newly diagnosed 8 months into diagnosis and completely relate about the feelings of anxiety and depression. I am not sure I am clinically depressed but certainly more anxious and emotional. Fab news that this is likely to improve within a year is being diagnosed. Thank you so much for sharing the link! x

EmmaS-NRAS profile image

Hi Hezekiah,

Really pleased that you found Dr Galloway's webinar helpful. You're correct in that we have the next two planned already, you can register for them now using the links below:

On Monday 27 April 7 pm - 8:15 pm we will be hosting the webinar: 'Keeping Physically Active with Rheumatoid Arthritis' by Will Gregory - nras.org.uk/keeping-physica...

On Tuesday 5 May 7 pm - 8:15 pm we will be hosting the webinar: ‘Managing Fatigue in Rheumatoid Arthritis' by Dr Yeliz Prior. - nras.org.uk/-managing-fatig...

Kind regards


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