Hi , had a steroid jab into my lower back and in previous experience it will last for around three weeks until my knees get bad again ,but what a relief from a year of really struggling to walk it is an amazing feeling being able to do everyday things like walking the dog on decent walks .I’d like to hear other people who have the same injection and how long it works for etc . I wish I could just have one a month but I was told I can’t , why is that ?
Steroids : Hi , had a steroid jab into my lower back... - NRAS

Hi Bucky mine usually last about a month when I get them but what a relief it is on the old bones and joints, I might be wrong but the reason you only get one at a time is because your only allowed 3 or 4 a year xxx
Buckybri think you will find that many on here have had steroids including me but they mask the actual issues you could be having. Therefore steroids though they make us all feel great it is not actually great for the body long term. I think someone on here was having injections thought everything fine then realised wrists were not as good as she thought.
So hence the caution being given probably by your medical team.
Just keeping asking your medical team and they will always explain more as they know you and your meds and how your body is working.

I hate this disease people just don’t understand. It takes over my everyday life I suffer my family suffer it’s so hard , but to get relief if only for a month feels amazing . I’m starting on imidril ( I think that’s what it’s called ) next week so hopefully that will work because the mtx didn’t touch it .
I hear you I had a tough day Wednesday woke up after an amazing sleep and could hear the swans 🦢 then the fatigue washed over me. I am determined to find what works for me but even this tires me out 🤪
Yeah this disease effects more than just us... my family make and cancel arrangements around me HATE THIS!!!.
I’ve had a couple of these steroid injections first 2 worked for about 6 weeks then by the last 2 got no relief at all. I have just started Biologic 3 weeks ago. Early days yet put body felt a little looser this morning 🤞🏻🤞🏻this not just a good day but a sign of things to come. Good luck hope yours works quickly.
Hi Buckybri,
I have been all over the place for the last two years trying to get RA under control once Humira stopped working.
To tide me over (and make everyday life possible/bearable) I regularly had steroid shots in the bum every 3-4 months, reassured that that was maximum allowed to keep side effects to a minimum.
This has all come back to bite me on the bum - to cut a very long story short last month it was discovered I had a compression fracture of T6 vertebra in my spine (about level with my bra strap).
That same week I went for regular eye test, only to be told I have cataracts in both eyes that will one day require surgery.
Both of these outcomes have been attributed to steroid use.
It’s so easy to rely on steroids as they are the only thing that give temporary relief from this wretched disease but whilst they relieve pain a) the disease is still actively doing damage but the effect is masked, and b) the steroids themselves bring their own little bag of tricks.
Sometimes their use is unavoidable, especially when trying to find the next magic combination that will keep things locked down, but proceed with caution!
I’ve never had injections directly into my spine but steroids are known to bring on osteoporosis. Later this month I’ll be having an infusion to boost bone health.
It’s not a given that any of this will happen to you (we’re all different as we often say) but perhaps my experience will help you understand why the professionals always want to keep steroid use to a minimum.