Here I am again and it is nearly 4.20 am and still wide awake, fed up with counting sheep ☹️
Sleep: Here I am again and it is nearly 4.20 am and... - NRAS
I was awake but didn’t look at forum cos my knees were swollen and throbbing with pain felt sick I’m so fed up just had more painkillers but they don’t last long hope your ok I don’t come on here as often but I always have a look now an then old habits you see xx
I use valerian root extract works a treat and no groggy feeling in the mornings.
Your not alone their minty, very annoying and very common with us RArs
I did consider taking the dog for a short walk but it would not be a sensible thing to do where I live
I know just how you feel. I limit my fone now but doesnt always work. I feell for.....not that it helps. X
It is now Monday and I have managed 4 hours o light sleep and 24 minutes of deep sleep 💤. I do not feel tired but know this cannot go on. I do everything right but not winning on the sleep war

Oh flip. Have you told your rheumy?
I checked my Fitbit and it says five hours, sleep has become a huge problem since having RA, I have changed mattresses several times, I eat healthily and never late,take the dog out every day, I swim every day now for the last two months as Sarah has an indoor pool. Tried relaxing music.
The birds wake me up every morning
I am just wanting to get up and get going every day even though I am in pain I need to be moving.

Its a hard one for you. I dont sleep well but im not as active as you are. I would like to be. Our local pool has steps in and out which are too difficult for me and ill be blowed if ill use a hoist. Physio said I should be walking with 2 sticks not 1, which doesnt work all the time, but has helped my shoulder pain a bit, so trying to walk more. We have spent a rediculous amount changing bed, douvet, pillows etc. It has made not a lot of difference to my sleeping, however I do rest well...for hrs in the middle of the night sometimes. Anyway back to you, is you RD in remission? Maybe you would not be sleeping a lot anyway, it depends on if you are tired with the lack of sleep. As I say, its a hard one this no sleeping.
Are you on Prednisone ? I was on that for 6months and was like a zombie
Not now
i plan favourite meal and that always makes me smile, relax and zzzzzzzzzzzz
Have you ever tried hypnosis apps on phone/iPod? I was using a Paul Mackenna weight loss programme for a while but never got to the end of a session without falling asleep! 😴. There are a variety of free apps specifically for sleep, so might be worth a try?
I can sleep for ten minutes and that is it
I had drops to put in water half an hour before going to bed, Dr Vogel, from a health shop. They worked very well. There's also something called Potter's Nod Off. Even the name makes me smile!
Sometimes listening to the radio is tiring and helps to drop to sleep. It's frustrating so hope you find something that helps.
Have you tried antihistamine? The drowsy type (not non drowsy). They knock me out a treat x
Oh poor you! You have my deepest sympathy. I too have dreadful sleep probs. I am constantly exhausted but can only sleep for 2-3 hours at most. Always awake before the sun is up no matter time of year. I wake cos of pain, but then fail to get back to sleep. As a result I find myself napping a lot during the day. I take all my meds at around 6.00am and by 9/10.00 am ready to nap for about an hour. Also nap for 1-2 hours in afternoon. Tried everything and just seems I'm stuck with this I think sleep is a huge issue for most of us one way or another.
I haven't slept well for years now but I try to make sure I rest. I love the early mornings, especially when it begins to get light early, not many people about and lovely to hear the birds in the morning (but not the screeching seagulls!). I found there was no point in laying awake and trying to sleep so I get up for a while and read or similar. I also now know not to believe my fitbit as I can be laying quietly watching something on TV and it tells me I'm having deep sleep! Just 'go with the flow' and don't worry.
I am totally the opposite, I sleep very well for 8/9 hours a night, then fall asleep for another hour or so whenever I sit down! But still I'm exhausted!! 😏. We just can't win can we?
I am just restless when in bed
Bless you. The lack of sleep 💤 or rather the inability to sleep goes with RA. I sometimes get up, have a cup of tea, or maybe change beds, make a fresh hot water bottle. Anything to break the tedium of being awake. Sometimes the different actions make a difference but not always!!!! I always make a wish as I get into bed 🛌, may tonight be the night I sleep!?!
Hi , beautiful day again here. Have you tried listening to Mike Sealey on youtube, I can guarantee you will go to sleep with listening to his meditation . give it ago. Its helps us enormously. x
Speak to your GP and you should be given something to help you. I was given tablets but only needed to take them for 3 nights so still have some in my medicine chest
Amitriptyline 20mg but they worked for a week and that is all
I do a breathing technique which really helps. Breathe in to count of 4, hold for count of 7, and breathe out for count of 8. I do this 5 times and it's not very long before I am nodding off. Once in a while I need to repeat it if I am still awake.
I am sick of poor sleep and I know that I cannot go on like this, partner cannot treat me as it is unprofessional but she is goi g to send my go a message for me, I do not want to start getting g grumpy because of a lack of sleep
I too am up at a certain time during the night and can't get back to sleep so I do my exercises and do deep breathing exercises three time in through the noise and out through the mouth.
Eventually I'll fall back to sleep (may take awhile).
Also try rubbing your wrists for a minute(suppose to relax you).
Do hope this helps you.