Hi all, been really ill with sinus I fectio, ear infection & eye infection all at the same time. My Rheumatology nurse says Methotrexate has lowered my immune system, so may have to come off it for a while. I keep getting recurring infection, anyone else had this problem.
Infections: Hi all, been really ill with sinus I fectio... - NRAS

Yes. I spoke to my rheumatologist and he changed my medication. No problems since.
Yes and I used to wave action my MTX to try and control it. I eventually reduced it from 20mg to 17.5mg my self and when I finally saw the rheumy nurse she suggested lowering to 15mg. This appears to be my lower limit as I have been taking it regular as clock work since September but a few aches and pains are creeping back - low key stuff but enough to remind me what the med is achieving for me.
All the best
Hi there, sorry you are suffering with this too. Yes I had exactly the same recurring infections, came off and went back on and then had a violent reaction to Mtx and had to stop.
I just miss a methotrexate day for a week or even two, but you risk a RA flare up.
I think if your getting recurring infections then they will probably try you on something else, I’ve had a few chest infections due to the methotrexate and biologics but it has mainly been a good drug for me,but we are all different which makes this disease hard to treat xxx
Thanks for that, I have been on MXT injections for three years all good and then suddenly wham infection after infection, am due to see Rheumatology Consultant on the 11th April so may get an answer.